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B.C. Reg. 18/2004
O.C. 21/2004
Deposited January 23, 2004
effective January 31, 2004
This consolidation is current to January 14, 2025.

Forest and Range Practices Act

Invasive Plants Regulation

Application of sections 16 (2) and 37 (2) of the Act

1   Until June 1, 2004, this regulation applies immediately, despite sections 16 (2) and 37 (2) of the Act, to a forest stewardship plan, woodlot licence plan, range use plan, and range stewardship plan, as applicable.

Invasive plant species specified

2   For the purposes of section 47 of the Forest and Range Practices Act, the prescribed species of invasive plants are as follows:

Weed SpeciesScientific name
AnchusaAnchusa officinalis
Baby's breathGypsophila paniculata
Black knapweedCentaurea nigra
BlueweedEchium vulgare
Brown knapweedCentaurea jacea
Bull thistleCirsium vulgare
Canada thistleCirsium arvense
Common burdockArctium minus
Common tansyTanacetum vulgare
Dalmatian toadflaxLinaria dalmatica
Diffuse knapweedCentaurea diffusa
Field scabiousKnautia arvensis
Giant knotweedPolygonum sachalinense
GorseUlex europaeus
Hoary alyssumBerteroa incana
Hoary cressCardaria draba
Hound's-tongueCynoglossum officinale
Japanese knotweedPolygonum cuspidatum
Leafy spurgeEuphorbia esula
Marsh thistleCirsium palustre
Meadow hawkweedHieracium pilosella.
Meadow knapweedCentaurea pratensis
Nodding thistleCarduus nutans
Orange hawkweedHieracium aurantiacum
Oxeye daisyChrysanthemum leucanthemem
Perennial pepperweedLepidium latifolium
Plumeless thistleCarduus acanthoides
Puncture vineTribulus terrestris
Purple loosestrifeLythrum salicaria
Rush skeletonweedChondrilla juncea
Russian knapweedAcroptilon repens
Scentless chamomileMatricaria maritima
Scotch broomCytisus scoparius
Scotch thistleOnopordum acanthium
Spotted knapweedCentaurea maculosa
St. John's wortHypericum perforatum
Sulphur cinquefoilPotentilla recta
Tansy ragwortSenecio jacobaea
TeaselDipsacus fullonum
Yellow IrisIris pseudacorus
Yellow starthistleCentaurea solstitialis
Yellow toadflaxLinaria vulgaris

[Provisions of the Forest and Range Practices Act, S.B.C. 2002, c. 69, relevant to the enactment of this regulation: sections 47 and 141]