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B.C. Reg. 227/67
O.C. 2916/67
This consolidation is current to February 4, 2025.
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Park Act

Class C Parks Regulations

[Last amended March 30, 2022 by B.C. Reg. 81/2022]

Part 1 — Park Boards
2Appointment of board
3Meetings of park boards
4Request for meeting
5Minister may direct meeting
7Chair to preside
8When no chair present
9Records and accounts
11Signing officers
14Business of park boards
15No excessive contract without permission
16No debit expenditure without permission
17Payment of accounts
18Installation of facilities
19Inspections by park boards
Part 2 — Park Use Permits
20Park use permit
21Park use permit fees
22Sale of permitted improvement
Part 3 — Public Use of Parks
23Powers of the park board
24Board may make rules
26No parking
27No obstruction by vehicle
28No advertising
29No sleeping except in approved areas
30Preservation of property
31Construction restricted
32Sanitation — waters protected
33Dumping prohibited
34Sewage disposal
35No admission charge without permit
43Observance of rules and regulations
46Reports and statements
Schedule A


1   In these regulations, unless context otherwise requires:

"board" or "park board" means the board for a Class C park appointed under the provisions of the Park Act;

"park" means any park of Class C in the Province of British Columbia constituted under the provisions of the Park Act or existing under the provisions of the Forest Act or the Ministry of Lands, Parks and Housing Act at the enactment of the Park Act.

[am. B.C. Regs. 109/2002, s. 1; 81/2022, s. 1.]

Part 1 — Park Boards

Appointment of board

2   The minister shall, on appointing the park board, designate one member to be chair of the board, and the board may appoint such other officers from the membership as they deem necessary and shall notify the minister of the names and addresses of all such officers.

[am. B.C. Reg. 81/2022, s. 2.]

Meetings of park boards

3   Every park board shall meet for the transaction of its business once each calendar year at a time and place determined by the board, and at other times shall meet at the call of the chair as the business of the board may require.

[am. B.C. Reg. 81/2022, s. 2.]

Request for meeting

4   The chair shall call a meeting of the board within 14 days of the receipt of a request in writing setting out the purpose of such a meeting made by 2 members of the board. Seven days' notice of the meeting shall be given by the chair, provided such notice may be waived by all members of the board present at such a meeting.

[am. B.C. Reg. 81/2022, s. 2.]

Minister may direct meeting

5   The board shall hold other meetings when directed to do so by the minister.


6   A majority of the members of the board present at a duly called meeting of the board shall constitute a quorum competent to transact the business of the board.

Chair to preside

7   The chair shall preside at meetings of the board, and shall exercise one vote in the decisions of the board.

[am. B.C. Reg. 81/2022, s. 2.]

When no chair present

8   In the absence of the chair, the members present at any duly called meeting of the board shall elect a chair, who shall preside at that meeting.

[am. B.C. Reg. 81/2022, s. 2.]

Records and accounts

9   It shall be a duty of every park board to prepare and maintain proper and adequate records and accounts of the business and meetings of the board. Once each year, and at such other times as the minister may require, the board shall prepare and submit to the minister a report of the activities of the board's administration and a financial statement setting forth the assets and liabilities of the board and the receipts and disbursements of the past year and the accounts and sums payable and receivable by the board. The board shall, whenever required by the minister, submit reports of all park use permits issued by the board and on any other matters pertaining to the management of the board.


10   Funds received on behalf of any park board shall be deposited to the account of that board, in a chartered bank, within 7 days of their receipt.

Signing officers

11   The chair and secretary of each park board shall comprise the signing officers of that board and are authorized to execute, jointly, such contracts, agreements and documents, and to receive and disburse such funds, on behalf of the board as the board may determine.

[am. B.C. Reg. 81/2022, s. 2.]


12   The board may, by resolution, adopt a form of seal and, when affixed by the proper officers of the board to any document, it shall operate as the act or execution thereof by the board.


13   (1) Every member of a park board who for any reason desires to resign from that board shall submit to the minister the member's resignation in writing.

(2) Every member of a park board who is absent from 3 consecutive meetings of that board shall be deemed to have resigned from the board and may be reappointed or replaced by the minister.

(3) The minister may, at the minister's discretion, discharge or dismiss any member or any officer of a park board where the minister deems it to be in the public interest.

[am. B.C. Reg. 81/2022, s. 3.]

Business of park boards

14   No member shall give any instruction or direction, enter into any contract or agreement, or otherwise conduct business on behalf of a park board except as authorized by a resolution of the board duly recorded in the minutes of a meeting of that board.

No excessive contract without permission

15   No park board shall enter into any agreement or make any contract through which the board assumes liability in excess of the current liquid assets of the board without first receiving the written approval of the minister.

No debit expenditure without permission

16   No park board shall make any expenditure or incur any indebtedness which reduces its current liquid assets to an amount less than its total liabilities without first receiving the written approval of the minister.

Payment of accounts

17   Every account payable by a park board shall be paid by that board as the same becomes due.

Installation of facilities

18   Subject to the provisions of the statutes and of these regulations any park board may provide or install, or cause to be provided or installed, within the park under the jurisdiction of that board such public facilities or improvements as may be necessary to the public use of that park.

Inspections by park boards

19   Any park board or any duly authorized agent of any park board may, at all reasonable times, enter into and inspect any building, structure or work of any kind within any park under the jurisdiction of that board, and may require or order the proper maintenance or repair of that building, structure or work.

Part 2 — Park Use Permits

Park use permit

20   Subject to the provisions of the statutes and of these regulations, and when authorized to act as an agent for the minister for the issuance of park use permits, any park board may grant or issue a park use permit which may be necessary or expedient to enable the use or establishment of facilities within the park under the jurisdiction of that board.

Park use permit fees

21   Park use permit fees payable by the permittee to the park board in respect of a park use permit issued by a park board and authorizing any park use or occupancy enumerated in Schedule A of these regulations shall be in accordance with the rates set forth in said Schedule A.

Sale of permitted improvement

22   No building or improvement constructed or installed under a park use permit shall be removed, sold or sublet by the permittee without written consent of the minister or of the agent who issued the permit, and then the building or improvement shall not be sold or sublet, except to the holder of a park use permit authorizing that holder to occupy or utilize that building or improvement.

Part 3 — Public Use of Parks

Powers of the park board

23   Subject to the provisions of the statutes and of these regulations, any park board may determine the uses, activities and practices to be accommodated within the park under the management of that board and may define the areas within that park in which any specified activity shall be permitted or prohibited.

Board may make rules

24   Subject to the provisions of the statutes and of these regulations, any park board may make and promulgate such rules of conduct within the park as may be necessary for the protection of the park under the management of that board and for the control, protection and convenience of the public within that park.


25   Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 81/2022, s. 4.]

No parking

26   No person shall park or leave standing any vehicle on any park road or park land, except in an area designated for that purpose.

No obstruction by vehicle

27   No person shall cause or permit a vehicle to obstruct traffic in any park.

No advertising

28   No commercial vehicle, or any vehicle on which is displayed advertising of any kind, or any vehicle equipped with a public address system shall be driven within any park for the purpose of advertising or demonstrating, except as may be authorized by a park use permit.

No sleeping except in approved areas

29   No trailer shall be parked or used as living or sleeping quarters within any park, except on a site or area approved for that purpose by the park board having jurisdiction over that park.

Preservation of property

30   Subject to the provisions of the Park Act respecting the disposal of timber and the protection of natural resources, no person, unless authorized by park use permit so to do, shall remove, destroy or damage any curiosity, object, structure, work or any property whatsoever in any park.

Construction restricted

31   No person shall construct, erect or install any building or structure in any park, except in accordance with plans and specifications which have been approved by the park board having jurisdiction over that park.

Sanitation — waters protected

32   No person within any park shall throw, lay, drop, discharge or deposit into or leave in the waters of that park, or in any storm sewer, drain or ditch flowing into said waters, any substance, matter or thing, either liquid or solid, which shall or may result in pollution of said waters.

Dumping prohibited

33   No person shall deposit in any park any garbage, refuse, sewage, empty or broken bottle, tin can, waste or other debris or obnoxious material, except in a receptacle or pit provided for that purpose.

Sewage disposal

34   No person in a park shall use any toilet, washbasin, sink or similar appliance in any trailer which is not equipped with a removable metal container for the retention of garbage, waste and liquid refuse and no person shall deposit the contents of said containers within any park, except in places designated for that purpose by the park board having jurisdiction over that park.

No admission charge without permit

35   No person shall, without a park use permit so to do, impose any charge to be paid by any member of the public for admission to any area or building in any park for any service or accommodation in any park.


36   No person shall, without a park use permit so to do, place or display within any park any word, character or device designed to advertise any person, business, profession, group, association, article, thing, exhibition, matter or event.


37   In any park in which fireplaces are provided, no person shall kindle, build, light, maintain or use a fire except in a place provided or designated for that purpose.


38   No person in a park shall hunt or carry any loaded firearm other than

(a) a member of the armed forces, or

(b) a police officer, conservation officer or park officer

while engaged in the performance of the member's or officer's duty.

[en. B.C. Reg. 81/2022, s. 5.]


39   No person, other than an employee of a bona fide construction or mining company or of a recognized government agency, while engaged in the performance of duties, shall have in the person's possession within any park any explosive or explosive substance without a park use permit so to do.

[am. B.C. Reg. 81/2022, s. 6.]


40   No person shall cause or permit any animal owned by that person, or in the person's custody or under the person's control, to roam at large in any park, except as authorized by a park use permit.

[am. B.C. Reg. 81/2022, s. 7.]


41   No parent, guardian or custodian of any minor shall permit or allow that minor to do, in any park, any act prohibited by any park regulation or rule applicable to that park.


42   Every person entering or seeking to enter or being in any park shall give to any duly authorized representative of the park board having jurisdiction over that park such information regarding the person's name, address, destination, proposed activities within that park and regarding any other matter pertaining to park use or occupancy as that representative may request.

Observance of rules and regulations

43   Every person within the boundaries of any park shall observe and obey every rule and regulation applicable to that park made pursuant to the provisions of the Park Act or of these regulations.


44   Every person who violates any provision of these regulations shall, on summary conviction, be guilty of an offence against the Park Act.


45   The deputy minister to the minister or any duly authorized park officer acting under the instructions of that deputy minister may enter into any park and at all reasonable times may enter into any building, structure or improvement within any park, for the purpose of examining or inspecting such parks or improvements.

[am. B.C. Reg. 81/2022, s. 8.]

Reports and statements

46   The deputy minister to the minister may require any park board to submit to the minister such reports or statements, including financial statements, pertaining to the business and functions of that board or the administration, development, maintenance and use of any park under the jurisdiction of that board as may, in the opinion of the deputy minister to the minister, be necessary in the public interest.

[am. B.C. Reg. 81/2022, s. 9.]

Schedule A

Annual Park Use Permit Fees

1 Personal or Community:
 (a) Cabin sites (private — seasonal and weekend)$15 per acre$30
 (b) Cabin and lodge sites (groups, clubs and organizations)$24 per acre$48
 (c) Campsites (private — no buildings)$10 per acre$15
 (d) Campsites (groups and organizations — no buildings)$2 per acre $5
 (e) Overnight camping, per site$1 per day $1
 (f) Rights of way (incidental to above uses)$5 per mile $5
2 Economic — Commercial:
 (a) Stores, shops and refreshment stands$20 per acre$60
 (b) Tourist resorts, lodges and camps$20 per acre$60
 (c) Winter sports areas, golf courses and similar recreation areas  
  (i) developed areas containing building and accommodations$20 per acre$60
  (ii) areas containing tows, lifts, T-bars and similar improvements$10 per acre$10
  (iii) ski runs, ski jumps, fairways and similar improvements$2 per acre$10
 (d) Rights of way (incidental to above commercial uses)$25 per mile$25
3 Economic — Industrial:  
 (a) Rights of way (roads, flumes, ditches and other surface and
overhead installations)
$25 per mile$25
 (b) Rights of way (pipelines and other underground installations)$5 per mile $5
 (c) Existing roads (use of for industrial purposes)$5 per mile $5

NOTE: Agencies of the government of British Columbia, including the British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority, the Pacific Great Eastern Railway and other Crown corporations of the Province and ministries of Provincial government, and ministries of the government of Canada, shall not be charged for park use permits.

Crown corporations of the government of Canada shall be charged park use permit fees at the standard rates set forth above.

[Provisions relevant to the enactment of this regulation: Park Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 344, s. 29.]