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This Act is current to February 4, 2025
See the Tables of Legislative Changes for this Act’s legislative history, including any changes not in force.

Vancouver Charter

[SBC 1953] CHAPTER 55

Part XV — Health

Health Department

325.   The Council may

(a) establish a Health Department,

(b) appoint a Medical Health Officer, and

(c) designate duties and powers of the Medical Health Officer for the purposes of this Act.



326.   [Repealed 2008-28-158.]


327.   [Repealed 1997-25-185.]


328.   The Medical Health Officer shall have power to cause all necessary inspections to be made in order to ascertain whether the provisions of any Statute, regulation, or by-law with respect to public health or sanitation are being carried out in the city.


Access to be permitted

329.   It shall be the duty of the owner and occupier of any real property in the city to give to the Medical Health Officer and to any member of the Medical Health Officer's staff, authorized by the Medical Health Officer for the purpose, such access at any reasonable time to such real property and every part thereof, and such information with respect thereto, as may be reasonably required to enable any necessary inspection to be made.

1953-55-329; 2022-15-75,Sch 3; 2022-15-76,Sch 4.

By-laws respecting health protection

330.   The Council may make by-laws

Health by-laws

(a) for providing for the care, promotion, and protection of the health of the inhabitants of the city and for preventing the spread of contagious, infectious, or other disease, and, for that purpose, for regulating, controlling, and restricting persons and their activities;


(b) for preventing, prohibiting, and remedying insanitary conditions and places in the city;

Food and drink to be wholesome

(c) for regulating the bringing into the city of food or drink (not being liquor as defined by the Liquor Control and Licensing Act) intended for human consumption, and for preventing and prohibiting the entry or unloading of diseased or unwholesome food or drink (not being such liquor) intended for human consumption from any aeroplane, vessel, truck, railway car, or other conveyance;

Analysis of water

(d) for providing for the periodical examination and analysis of the water supplied by the city and for tests as to its purity and wholesomeness;

Regulation of places where food kept

(e) for regulating any place or vehicle where food or drink intended for human consumption is kept, manufactured, prepared, processed, packaged, blended, or treated, or where it is displayed, offered for sale, sold, carried, or served, and if such place or vehicle or anything therein is found to be insanitary, or such food or drink is found to be unwholesome or likely to be injurious to health, for authorizing the Medical Health Officer to seize and forfeit such food or drink;

Hours for milk delivery

(f) for regulating the delivery of milk and milk products to consumers by means of vehicles, and for fixing the hours in various months of the year during which such delivery shall take place and for prohibiting it at other times;


(g) for regulating the use for human consumption of water from wells, springs, or streams, and for requiring the owner of any real property upon which there is a well from which the water is prohibited from being used for human consumption to fill the same in;

Exclusion of dogs

(h) for regulating owners and harbourers of dogs regarding the entry into, or presence of such dogs in, any place where food for human consumption is kept or offered for sale;

Regulation of pigeons, etc.

(i) for requiring owners or occupiers of buildings to prevent pigeons or other birds from perching, roosting, or nesting thereon, and for regulating the feeding of pigeons by persons other than their owners;


(j) for regulating the slaughter of animals;

Requirements for multiple dwellings

(k) for regulating the use and occupation of all buildings used as dwellings, except one-family dwellings, in respect of

(i) the minimum floor-space to be provided for the occupant of each room thereof;

(ii) the minimum cubic space to be provided for the occupant of each room thereof;

(iii) the degree of ventilation, cleanliness, and access of natural light to be afforded in each room intended to be occupied;

(iv) the suitability of any such room in respect of dampness or insanitation;

(v) the maximum number of persons permitted to occupy rooms of various sizes;

(vi) the minimum bathing and toilet accommodation to be provided, based upon the number of occupants of the dwelling;

(vii) the minimum temperature to be maintained in any room while occupied;

Public lavatories

(l) for acquiring real property, and for constructing and maintaining thereon or thereunder lavatories, urinals, water-closets, and the like conveniences, and for constructing and maintaining such conveniences upon or under a street;

Infectious diseases hospital

(m) for establishing and maintaining, either within or without the city, hospitals and other places where persons experiencing, or suspected to be experiencing, contagious or infectious diseases may be isolated and treated;

Homes for disabled

(n) for establishing and maintaining, either within or without the city, homes for aged, infirm, or disabled persons;

Non-complying premises not to be occupied

(o) in cases where any Statute, by-law, or regulation with respect to health is not complied with, for empowering the Medical Health Officer to cause a notice to be posted on any premises requiring that they be not occupied or used for human habitation, and thereafter for compelling any person in occupation of such premises to vacate them, and for preventing other persons from entering or occupying them;

Restaurants, etc., subject to regulation

(p) for regulating restaurants, and places where prepared food or drink is served to the public, in all respects so far as the health of their patrons is concerned, and particularly

(i) as to the sterilization and cleansing of receptacles for food or drink;

(ii) as to toilet and other accommodation;

(iii) as to such medical or laboratory examination of employees as the Medical Health Officer may prescribe for the detection of contagious or infectious disease;

(iv) empowering the Medical Health Officer to require such employees as in the Medical Health Officer's opinion are likely to spread such disease to cease from their employment until the Medical Health Officer is satisfied that the danger of such spreading is past;

Remedy of inadequate utilities

(q) in respect of inadequate utilities, for

(i) providing that if, in the opinion of the Medical Health Officer, any building used for dwelling purposes, other than a one-family dwelling, is being inadequately provided with heat, light, water, or similar utilities, the Medical Health Officer may cause a notice to be posted on the premises requiring the owner to remedy the inadequacy in the manner described in the notice, and

(ii) providing that if such inadequacy is not remedied within 24 hours,

(A) the Medical Health Officer or any person authorized by the Medical Health Officer may enter on the premises and do all things that may be necessary to remedy the inadequacy, and

(B) the cost of remedying the inadequacy under subparagraph (ii) (A) may be recovered from the owner in any Court of competent jurisdiction or by entering the amount of the cost in the real-property tax roll with respect to such premises.

1953-55-330; 1978-41-25; 1997-25-186; 2022-15-73,Sch 1; 2022-15-75,Sch 3; 2022-15-76,Sch 4; 2023-10-1156; 2023-16-31.

Contents | Preamble | Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X | Part XI | Part XII | Part XIII | Part XIV | Part XV | Part XVI | Part XVII | Part XVIII | Part XIX | Part XX | Part XXI | Part XXII | Part XXIII | Part XXIV | Part XXIV-A | Part XXIV-B | Part XXV | Part XXVI | Part XXVII | Part XXVIII | Part XXIX | Part XXX | Part XXXI