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B.C. Reg. 125/90
O.C. 523/90
Deposited March 30, 1990
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Wildlife Act

Angling and Scientific Collection Regulation

[includes amendments up to B.C. Reg. 85/2019, April 15, 2019]

2Conservation surcharge stamps
2.001White sturgeon conservation licence
2.01Classified waters angling licence
2.02Allocating classified waters angling licences to non-guided non-residents and non-guided non-residents aliens
3Angling guide exemptions
4Angler exemptions
4.1Family fishing exemption
5Number of licences
6Angling fees
6.1Waters reserved for young or disabled anglers
9Qualifications for an angling guide licence
10Application for an angling guide licence
11Allocation of angler day quota
11.1Adjustments to allocated angler day quota
11.2Cancellation, suspension or variation of angler day quota
11.4Fees for angler day quota
12Angling guide fees
13Conditions of licence
13.1Requirement to report
14Sale of fish prohibited
15Fish roe
16Dressing or packing of fish
17Catch record
18Collecting permit
Schedule A
Schedule A.1
Schedule B
Schedule C
Schedule C.1
Schedule C.2
Schedule D


1   (1) In this regulation:

"Act" means the Wildlife Act;

"annual angling licence" means an angling licence issued for a term of not more than 12 months ending March 31;

"Class I water" means one of the classified waters listed under the heading Class I Coastal Waters (anadromous) or Class I Inland Waters (non-anadromous) in Schedule A;

"Class II water" means one of the classified waters listed under the heading Class II Coastal Waters (anadromous) or Class II Inland Waters (non-anadromous) in Schedule A;

"classified water" means a water or group of waters that is an item in column 1 of Schedule A;

"classified waters angling licence" means an angling licence, issued under section 2.01, that permits angling in a classified water;

"conservation surcharge" means a surcharge assessed for the purposes of Part 3 of the Act;

"guided classified water angler" means a person who, in respect of a classified water, is a client of an angling guide who is authorized under the Act to guide for fish on the classified water;

"licence year" means a period of 12 months beginning on April 1 in each year and ending on March 31 in the following year;

"management plan" means a plan for managing guiding for fish and angling referred to in section 52 (3) of the Act;

"non-guided non-resident" means a non-resident who is not a guided classified water angler, but does not include a non-guided non-resident alien;

"non-guided non-resident alien" means a non-resident alien who is not a guided classified water angler;

"Shuswap Lake" means the waters of Mara Lake and Shuswap Lake including Seymour, Anstey and Salmon arms, Little Shuswap Lake, and that portion of South Thompson River (Little River) between Shuswap Lake and Little Shuswap Lake.

(2) A classified water may be referred to in this regulation or on a classified waters angling licence by the term, if any, set out in brackets following the description of the classified water in column 1 of Schedule A.

[am. B.C. Regs. 88/94, s. 1; 72/97, s.1; 263/2005, s. 1; 12/2006, s. 1; 178/2011, s. 2; 163/2015, s. 1; 79/2018, App. 1, s. 1.]

Conservation surcharge stamps

2   For the purposes of section 12 (a) (ii) of the Act, a person must be the holder of an angling licence bearing a conservation surcharge stamp affixed to the licence that permits angling in relation to that affixed stamp, and pay the applicable fee and conservation surcharge set out in Schedule C, as follows:

(a) for waters not listed in Schedule A, a conservation surcharge stamp affixed to the front of an angling licence in the box labelled "Steelhead" permits angling for or retaining steelhead in those unclassified waters;

(a.1) for classified waters listed in column 1 of Schedule A, a conservation surcharge stamp affixed to the front of an angling licence, in the box labelled "Steelhead",

(i) is required for angling in those classified waters during the period set out opposite in column 5, and

(ii) permits angling for or retaining steelhead in those classified waters;

(b) a conservation surcharge stamp affixed to the front of an angling licence in the box labelled "Kootenay Rainbow Trout" permits the retention of up to 5 rainbow trout that measure more than 50 cm from the tip of the nose to the fork of the tail that are caught in Kootenay Lake east of a line between fishing boundary signs on opposite shores at Balfour Point and Proctor Lighthouse;

(c) a conservation surcharge stamp affixed to the front of an angling licence in the box labelled "Non-tidal Salmon" permits the retention of salmon that are caught in non-tidal waters of the Province, including not more than 10 adult chinook salmon;

(d) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 36/95, s. 1 (a).]

(e) a conservation surcharge stamp affixed to the front of an angling licence in the box labelled "Shuswap Rainbow Trout" permits the retention of up to 5 rainbow trout that measure more than 50 cm from the tip of the nose to the fork in the tail that are caught in Shuswap Lake;

(f) a conservation surcharge stamp affixed to the front of an angling licence in the box labelled "Shuswap Char" permits the retention of up to 5 char that measure more than 60 cm from the tip of the nose to the fork in the tail that are caught in Shuswap Lake.

[en. B.C. Reg. 88/94, App. II, s. 2; am. B.C. Regs. 36/95, s. 1 (a); 167/97, s. 1; 35/99, s. 1.]

White sturgeon conservation licence

2.001   (1) For the purpose of section 12 (a) of the Act, in order to angle for white sturgeon in waters open to such angling, a person must be the holder of both

(a) a basic angling licence, and

(b) a white sturgeon conservation licence,

and have paid the applicable fee and conservation surcharges set out in Schedule C.

(2) The white sturgeon conservation licence referred to in subsection (1) permits a resident, non-resident or non-resident alien angler, who possesses a basic angling licence for the same period, to angle for white sturgeon on an annual, 8-day, or one-day basis, depending on the conservation surcharges paid and the date or dates listed on the licence at the time of purchase, as follows:

(a) an annual licence is valid from April 1 or the date of purchase (whichever is later) through March 31;

(b) an 8-day licence is valid only on the period of 8 consecutive days listed on the licence;

(c) a one-day licence is valid only from 12:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. on the date specified on the licence.

[en. B.C. Reg. 214/2008, s. 1; am. B.C. Regs. 178/2011, ss. 1 and 3; 79/2018, App. 1, s. 2.]

Classified waters angling licence

2.01   (1) Subject to subsections (9) and (10) of this section and sections 4, 4.1 and 18, for the purpose of section 12 (a) of the Act, a person who angles in a classified water during a period specified in column 4 of Schedule A for the classified water must be the holder of both

(a) a basic angling licence, and

(b) a classified waters angling licence that permits angling in that classified water at the time the angling takes place.

(2) A classified waters angling licence permits a resident to angle in all classified waters during the term of the licence.

(3) A classified waters angling licence permits a non-resident or a non-resident alien to angle only

(a) in a classified water specified on the licence, and

(b) on a date that is specified on the licence at the time the licence is issued.

(4) Despite subsection (3) and subject to subsection (5), a non-guided non-resident alien must not angle in a classified water or part of a classified water that is an item in column 1 of Schedule A.1 during the day or days of the week or the period of time specified in column 2 of Schedule A.1 for the water.

(5) The prohibition in subsection (4) applies only during the period specified in column 3 of Schedule A.1 for the water.

(6) Subject to section 2.02, a classified waters angling licence may be issued to a person who pays the applicable fee and conservation surcharge set out in Schedule C.

(7) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 163/2015, s. 2 (b).]

(8) A classified waters angling licence issued to a non-resident or a non-resident alien is invalid if it specifies a period that is longer than 8 consecutive days.

(9) An angling guide, or an assistant angling guide employed by the angling guide, need not be the holder of a classified waters angling licence while guiding for fish a client of the angling guide on a classified water.

(10) A person who angles on the Atnarko River/Bella Coola River classified water is not required to be the holder of a classified waters angling licence.

(11) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 163/2015, s. 2 (b).]

[en. B.C. Reg. 178/2011, s. 4; am. B.C. Regs. 163/2015, s. 2; 79/2018, App. 1, s. 2.]

Allocating classified waters angling licences to non-guided
non-residents and non-guided non-residents aliens

2.02   (1) The director may establish one or both of the following for a classified water for a calendar year:

(a) the maximum number of classified waters angling licences or angler days to be allocated to non-guided non-residents;

(b) the maximum number of classified waters angling licences or angler days to be allocated to non-guided non-resident aliens.

(2) In making a decision under subsection (1), the director must have regard to the management plan for the classified water.

(3) Upon setting a maximum number of classified waters angling licences or angler days for non-guided non-residents or non-guided non-resident aliens under subsection (1), the director must specify whether the licences or days will be allocated by a lottery or a booking system.

(4) If the director decides to allocate licences or days by a lottery, the director must inform applicants about the lottery to be conducted as follows:

(a) before the lottery takes place, by means of a press release or other publication, giving

(i) the time and place of the lottery,

(ii) the manner of making an application, and

(iii) other relevant information about the conduct of the lottery;

(b) after the lottery, by giving

(i) the results of the lottery, and

(ii) the names of the officials of the ministry who were present and conducting the lottery.

(5) If the director decides to allocate licences or days by a booking system, the licences or days must be allocated in the order in which the director receives completed applications.

(6) The director may delegate his or her powers and duties under this section to another person.

[en. B.C. Reg. 163/2015, s. 3; am. B.C. Reg. 79/2018, App. 1, ss. 2 and 3.]


2.1   Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 74/2017, App. 1, s. 1.]

Angling guide exemptions

3   (1) For the purpose of section 1 of the Act and regulations under the Act, "guide for fish" does not include a class of persons who operate

(a) an aircraft or motor vehicle used for commercial purposes

(i) on a government regulated schedule,

(ii) between a commercial fishing camp, lodge or resort and any other place which is not an angling site,

(iii) to transport persons travelling primarily for a non-recreational purpose, or

(iv) to transport anglers to or from an angling site where such transportation is not a significant part of their transportation business and this transportation is not promoted by any person as a service to anglers,

(b) a fishing school

(i) on waters for a period of less than 8 days in a calendar year,

(ii) considered by the regional manager not to be in conflict with the management plan for the waters, and

(iii) for which a permit is issued under subsection (3).

(2) Subsection (1) (a) (iv) does not apply to a person who transports an angler to 2 or more angling sites during a 24 hour period.

(3) A regional manager may issue a permit for the operation of a fishing school on waters in the region to a person who

(a) is associated with a recognized educational institution, or

(b) derives part of his or her income from work related to angling.

Angler exemptions

4   For the purpose of section 12 of the Act, a person is exempt who

(a) angles in waters on premises operated under a licence or permit for breeding, holding or rearing fish under this Act or the Fisheries Act,

(b) is a resident under 16 years of age,

(c) is under 16 years of age, not a resident and is accompanied by a person 16 years or older who holds an angling licence and other licences required by regulation, and fish caught and kept by the younger person are included as part of the daily catch and possession limit of that older person, or

(d) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 35/99, s. 3.]

(e) angles in any of the following waters while holding a sport fishing licence under the Yukon Territory Fishery Regulations (Canada):

(i) Bennett Lake;

(ii) Laidlaw Lake;

(iii) Morley Lake;

(iv) Rancheria River and its tributaries;

(v) Swift River and its tributaries;

(vi) Tagish Lake;

(vii) Teslin Lake.

[am. B.C. Regs. 89/94; 35/99, s. 3; 333/2000; 178/2011, s. 5.]

Family fishing exemption

4.1   (1) An individual who is ordinarily resident in Canada is exempt from section 12 of the Act during the weekend in June in which Father's Day occurs, and the Friday immediately preceding that weekend, while angling in non-tidal water that is not a classified water.

(2) The exemption of an individual under subsection (1) is on condition that the individual not retain fish caught while exempt of a species for which a conservation surcharge stamp is required for retention.

[en. B.C. Reg. 170/2000; am. B.C. Regs. 406/2000; 150/2008.]

Number of licences

5   For the purposes of section 14 of the Act, the number of licences of each kind that a person may obtain or be in possession of during each licence year is as follows:

(a) one annual angling licence;

(b) one conservation surcharge stamp for steelhead;

(c) one conservation surcharge stamp for Kootenay Lake rainbow trout;

(d) one conservation surcharge stamp for salmon;

(e) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 36/95, s. 1 (b).]

(f) one conservation surcharge stamp for Shuswap Lake rainbow trout;

(g) one conservation surcharge stamp for Shuswap Lake char;

(h) for non-resident aliens, one classified waters angling licence for the Dean River.

[en. B.C. Reg. 88/94, App. II, s. 3; am. B.C. Regs. 36/95, s. 1 (b); 72/97, s. 4; 178/2011, s. 1; 79/2018, App. 1, s. 2.]

Angling fees

6   The fees and conservation surcharges payable for a permit or an angling licence to angle for fish in non-tidal waters of the Province are those specified in Schedule C.

[am. B.C. Reg. 72/97, s. 5.]

Waters reserved for young or disabled anglers

6.1   (1) In this section:

"authorized angler" means a person who is

(a) under 16 years of age, or

(b) a disabled resident;

"companion" means a person, other than an authorized angler, who accompanies and attends an authorized angler.

(2) A person must not angle in a water listed in column 1 of Schedule D on any day during the period specified in column 3 of Schedule D for the water unless the person is

(a) an authorized angler, or

(b) a companion to an authorized angler, if the authorized angler has no more than 2 companions who are angling.

[en. B.C. Reg. 17/2015, s. 1.]


7-8   Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 72/97, s. 6.]

Qualifications for an angling guide licence

9   (1) A person who is an angling guide must have public liability insurance, in an amount of not less than $2 million, that is

(a) applicable to his or her angling guide business, and

(b) in effect during the period for which the angling guide will operate.

(2) A person under 19 years of age is not eligible for an angling guide licence.

(3) An applicant for an angling guide licence or assistant angling guide licence is required to satisfy the regional manager that, with respect to angling in the region where the applicant intends to guide for fish, he or she has a working knowledge of the Act and regulations and the Fisheries Act (Canada) and its regulations.

[en. B.C. Reg. 72/97, s. 7; am. B.C. Regs. 167/97, s. 3; 405/2008, s. 1; 178/2011, s. 7.]

Application for an angling guide licence

10   (1) For each region of the Province in which an applicant for an angling guide licence proposes to guide for fish, the applicant must complete and submit an application in a manner satisfactory to the regional manager

(a) by May 31 where the waters and terms and conditions covered by the application are the same as those in the licence for the preceding year, or

(b) by January 15 where paragraph (a) does not apply.

(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the regional manager may consider applications submitted after the dates specified in subsection (1) (a) or (b) where the operating plan of the applicant is consistent with the management practices of the water or area and a $50 payment is received to help defray the cost of processing the late application.

Allocation of angler day quota

11   (1) Subsections (1.1) to (2) apply with respect to angler day quota for classified waters.

(1.1) Subject to subsection (1.2), a regional manager may allocate angler day quota to an angling guide by issuing a certificate to the angling guide only if

(a) a management plan applies to the classified water for which angler day quota is to be issued,

(b) the allocation is in accordance with

(i) the management plan, and

(ii) the requirements of this section, and

(c) the period for which the angler day quota is allocated is 20 years or less.

(1.2) A regional manager must use one of the following processes for allocating angler day quota for classified waters:

(a) a process that requires an angling guide to bid for angler day quota for one or more classified waters by sealed tender or auction;

(b) a process that requires an angling guide to submit a written proposal for the use of angler day quota;

(c) a process that requires an angling guide to submit a sealed tender referred to in paragraph (a), together with a written proposal, as referred to in paragraph (b).

(2) A regional manager may renew or extend the period for which angler day quota is allocated to an angling guide, if

(a) the angling guide submits to the regional manager an application, in the form required by the regional manager, for renewal of the angler day quota, and

(b) at least 1/2 of the term of the existing angler day quota has elapsed.

(3) A regional manager must not, in respect of a classified water for which the regional manager is responsible,

(a) issue angling guide licences for the licence year in excess of the number specified in column 2 of Schedule A for the classified water, or

(b) allocate total angler day quota for a period specified in column 4 of Schedule A for the classified water in excess of the number of days specified for that period in column 3 of Schedule A.

(4) A regional manager may exempt a class of angler from the application of subsection (3) (b) in respect of a water in a region specified by the regional manager in the exemption.

(5) The regional manager may allocate angler day quota for the Bulkley River additional guiding zone classified water only to a single person who is the holder of an angling guide licence for the Bulkley River classified water.

[en. B.C. Reg. 40/2005, s. 1; am. B.C. Regs. 12/2006, s. 2; 178/2011, s. 8.]

Adjustments to allocated angler day quota

11.1   If a number specified in column 3 of Schedule A for a classified water is revised downward so that the number of angler days in the existing total allocation of angler day quota in a period specified in column 4 of Schedule A for the classified water exceeds the maximum allowable specified in column 3 of Schedule A for that period, the regional manager who is responsible for the classified water must adjust the allocation of angler day quota

(a) by any method agreed upon by the regional manager and all of the affected angling guides, or

(b) by applying the following:

(i) first, by reducing any unused angler day quota that is part of an existing allocation;

(ii) secondly, if needed, by subtracting the remaining excess angler days from each angling guide according to the percentage of angler days each angling guide retained after the adjustment under subparagraph (i).

[en. B.C. Reg. 72/97, s. 9; am. B.C. Reg. 178/2011, s. 9.]

Cancellation, suspension or variation of angler day quota

11.2   Subject to section 11.3, a regional manager may cancel, suspend or vary angler day quota held by a person if the person

(a) fails to use substantially all of his or her angler day quota, without reasonable excuse, or

(b) contravenes the Act or this regulation.

[en. B.C. Reg. 12/2006, s. 3.]


11.3   (1) A regional manager may cancel, suspend or vary angler day quota under section 11.2 only after holding a hearing.

(2) The regional manager must give reasonable notice of the time and place for the hearing to the person who holds the angler day quota that is to be considered at the hearing.

(3) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 85/2019, Sch. 1, s. 1.]

[en. B.C. Reg. 12/2006, s. 3; am. B.C. Reg. 85/2019, Sch. 1, s. 1.]

Fees for angler day quota

11.4   (1) A person who holds angler day quota must pay annually, for each day of angler day quota held, the applicable fee and conservation surcharge set out in Schedule C.1.

(2) A person referred to in subsection (1) must pay

(a) 45% of the amount required under that subsection

(i) on the date of application for an angling guide licence, if the person applies on or before May 30 for an angling guide licence for the first time or for an angling guide licence that has different terms and conditions from the immediately prior licence held by that person, or

(ii) by May 31, in all other cases, and

(b) the remainder of the amount required by September 30.

[en. B.C. Reg. 12/2006, s. 3.]

Angling guide fees

12   (1) The successful applicant for a licence to guide for fish must pay the applicable fee as follows:

(a) for an angling guide: $400 plus a conservation surcharge of $50;

(b) for an assistant angling guide: $130 plus a conservation surcharge of $20;

(c) for an increase in angler day quota through transfer from another angling guide: $300.

(2) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 12/2006, s. 4 (b).]

[en. B.C. Reg. 72/97, s. 10; am. B.C. Regs. 34/2004; 12/2006, s. 4; 178/2011, s. 10.]

Conditions of licence

13   (1) The conditions of an angling guide licence are that the holder

(a) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 72/97, s. 11.]

(b) report to the regional manager on or before the date specified in the licence,

(i) the number of resident, non-resident and non-resident alien angler days guided for fish,

(ii) the species, number and location of fish caught by each class of person the holder or the holder's assistant angling guides have guided for fish, and

(iii) the classified waters angling licence number of each guided classified water angler angling in a classified water,

(c) not transfer the angler day quota or other rights under the licence to another person without the prior written approval of the regional manager of the region to which the licence applies, or

(d) use substantially all of the holder's angler day quota or have a reasonable excuse for failing to do so.

(1.1) It is a condition of an angling guide licence that permits guiding for fish on a water that is an item in column 1 of Schedule C.2 that the angling guide must not, on any day during the period specified in column 2 of Schedule C.2 for that item, guide for fish on that water, or permit an assistant angling guide employed by the angling guide to guide for fish on that water,

(a) a group that has more than 3 anglers, or

(b) more than one group of anglers.

(2) It is a condition of an angling guide licence and of an assistant angling guide licence that the angling guide or assistant angling guide not accompany or assist a non-resident or non-resident alien angling on classified waters unless

(a) the non-resident or non-resident alien is included in the angler day quota of an angling guide, or

(b) the holder of the licence has obtained the prior written approval of the regional manager to so accompany or assist.

(3) If a regional manager issues an angling guide licence to an angling guide who holds angler day quota for a classified water, the regional manager may attach conditions to the angling guide licence in respect of the classified water that

(a) limit

(i) the period of time during which,

(ii) the day of the week on which, and

(iii) the area in which

the angling guide may guide for fish,

(b) limit the species for which the angling guide may guide for fish, and

(c) require, in addition to the requirements of subsection (1) (b) (ii), that the angling guide report

(i) the size and sex of fish caught by the angling guide's guided classified water anglers, and

(ii) the name and classified waters angling licence number of each guided classified water angler who has taken fish from the classified water.

[am. B.C. Regs. 72/97, s. 11; 12/2006, s. 5; 178/2011, ss. 1 and 11; 74/2017, App. 1, s. 2; 79/2018, App. 1, s. 2.]

Requirement to report

13.1   Without limiting section 13 (1) (b), an angling guide who is authorized under the Act to guide for fish in a classified water must submit a report described in that section to the regional manager within 30 days after receiving a notice from the regional manager requesting the report.

[en. B.C. Reg. 85/2019, Sch. 1, s. 2.]

Sale of fish prohibited

14   (1) No person shall sell, barter or attempt to sell or barter fish caught by angling in the non-tidal waters of the Province.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person who is the operator of premises licensed under the Fisheries Act to culture fish if it is those fish that are to be sold or bartered.

Fish roe

15   (1) No person shall possess salmon roe or trout roe in an amount greater than 1 kg unless

(a) the roe was obtained from a commercial source that lawfully obtained that roe, or

(b) the person also has in his or her lawful possession fresh dressed salmon or trout, as the case may be, that was capable at the time it was caught of providing a quantity of roe exceeding 1 kg.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to roe a person possesses at his or her private residence or in circumstances to which the laws of the Province do not apply.

Dressing or packing of fish

16   (1) No person shall dress or pack a fish caught by angling in the non-tidal waters of the Province in a manner that obscures the means of identifying the species, number or size of fish caught.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the dressing or packing of fish

(a) by a person at that person's private residence, or

(b) in circumstances to which the laws of the Province do not apply.

Catch record

17   A person who catches and retains any of the following fish shall immediately record, in ink, in the space provided on the back of the basic angling licence, the year, month, day and region in which the fish was caught:

(a) a steelhead from the non-tidal waters of the Province;

(b) a rainbow trout that measures more than 50 cm from the tip of the nose to the fork of the tail from Kootenay Lake east of a line between fishing boundary signs on opposite shores at Balfour Point and Proctor Lighthouse;

(c) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 36/95, s. 1 (c).]

(d) an adult chinook salmon from the non-tidal waters of the Province;

(e) a rainbow trout that measures more than 50 cm from the tip of the nose to the fork in the tail from Shuswap Lake;

(f) a char that measures more than 60 cm from the tip of the nose to the fork in the tail from Shuswap Lake.

[en. B.C. Reg. 88/94, App. II, s. 4; am. B.C. Reg. 36/95, s. 1 (c).]


17.1   Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 88/94, App. II, s. 4.]

Collecting permit

18   (1) A person who

(a) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 154/92, s. 5.]

(b) collects fish for scientific purposes

may be granted a permit under this section by a regional manager.

(2) A holder of a permit under this section is exempt from the Act and the regulations under the Act, except this section, while acting in accordance with the permit to take fish on any water in the Province and in any manner authorized by the permit provided that the permit holder complies with each term and condition of the permit.

(3) The fee for a permit to collect fish for scientific purposes is $25.

(4) Despite subsection (3), no fee is payable for a permit issued to a person under this section authorizing the person to collect fish for non-profit scientific research purposes.

[am. B.C. Regs. 154/92, s. 5; 12/2006, s. 6.]


19   It is an offence for a person

(a) to angle on waters during periods specified for those waters in column 4 of Schedule A unless the person has in force all licences and permits required by the Act or regulations under that Act to fish those waters,

(a.1) to contravene section 2.01 (4),

(a.2) to contravene section 6.1,

(b) being an angling guide or assistant angling guide, to act as a guide for fish for a person on waters if the person being guided for fish does not possess a classified waters angling licence for those waters,

(c) being an angling guide, to guide for fish for a person on waters not specified in his or her angling guide licence,

(d) being an assistant angling guide, to guide for fish for a person on waters not specified in the licence of the employer angling guide,

(e) to contravene section 13.1,

(f) to contravene section 14,

(g) to contravene section 15,

(h) to contravene section 16,

(i) to contravene section 17,

(j) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 88/94, App. II, s. 5.]

(k) to fail to comply with the reporting conditions of an angling guide licence specified in section 13 (1) (b) or under section 13 (3) (c), or

(l) to fail to comply with a condition of an angling guide licence or an assistant angling guide licence specified in section 13 (1) (c), (1.1) or (2) or under section 13 (3) (a) or (b).

[am. B.C. Regs. 154/92, s. 6; 88/94, App. II, s. 5; 72/97, s. 12; 20/2001; 178/2011, s. 12; 17/2015, s. 2; 85/2019, Sch. 1, s. 3.]

Schedule A

[en. B.C. Reg. 178/2011, s. 13; am. B.C. Reg. 163/2015, s. 4.]

(sections 1, 2, 2.01, 11 (3), 11.1 and 19 (a))

Classified Waters

ItemColumn 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5
Steelhead Licence Mandatory
(includes unspecified tributaries unless indicated by an * before the name)
No. of GuidesAngler Day Quota LimitFromToFromTo
Class 1 Coastal Waters (anadromous)
1Babine River downstream of the juvenile fish counting weir located at the outlet of Nilkitkwa Lake (Babine River)41 718Sept. 1Oct. 31Sept. 1Oct. 31
2Dean River below signs in lower canyon (Dean River A)3740June 1Sept. 30June 1Sept. 30
3Dean River from Kalone Creek to signs 500 m upstream of the lower canyon (Dean River B)31 620June 1Sept. 30June 1Sept. 30
4Dean River from Crag Creek to Kalone Creek (Dean River C)1100June 1Sept. 30June 1Sept. 30
5Gitnadoix River50April 1July 31April 1May 31
300Aug. 1March 31
6Lakelse River00April 1March 31Sept. 1May 31
7Suskwa River00April 1March 31Sept. 1Oct. 31
8Sustut River2750Sept. 1Oct. 31Sept. 1Oct. 31
9Zymoetz River upstream of Limonite Creek (Zymoetz River A)3100July 24Dec. 31July 24Dec. 31
Class I Inland Waters (non-anadromous)
Class II Coastal Waters (anadromous)
10Ahnuhati River4340April 1Oct. 31April 1June 30
11Kakweiken River5450April 1Oct. 31April 1June 30
12Kingcome River3240April 1Oct. 31April 1June 30
13Seymour River2230Aug. 15Oct. 31Exempt
14Wakeman River4580April 1Oct. 31April 1June 30
15Thompson River downstream of Savona (Thompson River)00Oct. 1Dec. 31Oct. 1Dec. 31
16Atnarko River upstream to Young Creek and Bella Coola River (Atnarko River/Bella Coola River)121 400March 1May 31Exempt
17Chilcotin River downstream of Chilko River (Chilcotin River)8600Oct. 1May 31Oct. 1May 31
18Chuckwalla River and Kilbella River (Chuckwalla River/Kilbella River)4500April 1May 31April 1May 31
19Nekite River5200April 1May 31April 1May 31
20Bulkley River excluding the following tributaries: Morice and Suskwa Rivers (Bulkley River)71 504Sept. 1Oct. 31Sept. 1Oct. 31
21Bulkley River from the confluence with the Morice River to the railway bridge approximately 7 km downstream (Bulkley River additional guiding zone)1 53Sept. 1Oct. 31Sept. 1Oct. 31
22Damdochax Creek1220Sept. 1Oct. 31Sept. 1Oct. 31
23Ecstall River4163April 1March 31Exempt
24Kispiox River4393Sept. 1Oct. 31Sept. 1Oct. 31
25Kitseguecla River00April 1March 31Sept. 1Oct. 31
26Kitsumkalum River11959April 1Oct. 31Aug. 7May 31
0Nov. 1March 31
27Kitwanga River00April 1March 31Sept. 1Oct. 31
28Kluatantan River255April 1March 31Sept. 1Oct. 31
29Kwinageese River4100Sept. 1Oct. 31Sept. 1Oct. 31
30Ksi X'anmas River4115April 1May 31April 1May 31
134June 1Sept. 30
31Morice River3433Sept. 1Oct. 31Sept. 1Oct. 31
32* Skeena River from Exchamsiks River to 1.5 km upstream of Kitsumkalum River (Skeena River 2)174 687July 1Sept. 30Exempt
33*Skeena River upstream of 1.5 km upstream of Zymoetz River (Skeena River 4)10414July 1Dec. 31July 1Dec. 31
34*Skeena River from Flint Creek to Chimdemash Creek (Skeena River 4 additional guiding zone) 12586July 1Dec. 31July 1Dec. 31
35Zymoetz River downstream of Limonite Creek (Zymoetz River B)5100July 24Aug. 31July 24May 31
117Sept. 1Oct. 31
50Nov. 1May 31
36Yakoun River10155Sept. 1April 30Dec. 1April 30
37Copper Creek in M.U. 6-12, Datlamen Creek, Deena Creek, Honna River, Mamin River, Pallant Creek, Tlell River (Haida Gwaii Other Rivers)10425Sept. 1April 30Dec. 1April 30
Class II Inland Waters (non-anadromous)
38Bull RiverNo limit500April 1March 31Exempt
39Elk River excluding the following tributaries: Wigwam River; Coal Creek downstream of the old M.F. & M. Railway bridge located about 7 km upstream of the confluence with the Elk River; Michel Creek (Elk River)No limit2 589April 1March 31Exempt
40Kootenay River upstream of White River (Kootenay River)00April 1March 31Exempt
40.1Michel CreekNo limit361April 1March 31Exempt
41Skookumchuck CreekNo limit200April 1March 31Exempt
42St. Mary River excluding Joseph CreekNo limit1 250April 1March 31Exempt
43Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 163/2015, s. 4 (e).]
44White River00April 1March 31Exempt
45Wigwam RiverNo limit230April 1March 31Exempt
46Chilko River from Chilko Lake to Brittany Creek (Chilko River)8700June 11Oct. 31Exempt
47Dean River from Anahim Lake to Iltasyuko River (Dean River D)6600June 16Oct. 31Exempt
48*Horsefly River downstream of signs at Horsefly River Falls, including McKinley Creek downstream of McKinley Lake (Horsefly River)5400June 1Oct. 31Exempt
49*West Road River, also known as Blackwater River (West Road River)121 750June 15Oct. 31Exempt
50Stellako River1120April 1March 31Exempt

Schedule A.1

[en. B.C. Reg. 178/2011, s. 14; am. B.C. Reg. 79/2018, App. 1, s. 4.]

(section 2.01 (4) and (5))

Non-guided Non-resident Alien Restrictions

ItemColumn 1Column 2Column 3
(includes unspecified tributaries unless indicated by an * before the name)
When non-guided non-resident aliens must not angleApplicable period
Class I Coastal Waters
1Babine River in the following zone only: Nilkitkwa Lake outlet at the juvenile fish counting weir to Nilkitkwa River confluenceSaturdays and SundaysSept. 1 to Oct. 31
2Lakelse River in the following zone only: Lakelse Lake outlet downstream to the power line crossing located 3.5 km upstream of the Lakelse River confluence with the Skeena RiverApril 1 to March 31April 1 to March 31
3Suskwa RiverSaturdays and SundaysApril 1 to March 31
4Zymoetz River upstream of Limonite Creek Fridays, Saturdays and SundaysJuly 24 to Dec. 31
Class II Coastal Waters
5Bulkley River excluding the following tributaries: Morice, Suskwa and Telkwa Rivers Saturdays and SundaysSept. 1 to Oct. 31
6Kispiox RiverSaturdays and SundaysSept. 1 to Oct. 31
7Kitseguecla RiverSaturdays and SundaysApril 1 to March 31
8Kitwanga RiverSaturdays and SundaysApril 1 to March 31
9Kitsumkalum River in the following zone only: Kitsumkalum Lake outlet to Glacier Creek confluenceSaturdaysApril 1 to March 31
10Kitsumkalum RiverSundaysApril 1 to March 31
11Morice RiverSaturdays and SundaysSept. 1 to Oct. 31
12* Skeena River in the following zones only:
(a) Shegunia River confluence to Sedan Creek confluence; and
(b) Chimdemash Creek confluence to 1.5 km above Zymoetz River confluence
Saturdays and SundaysJuly 1 to Dec. 31
13Telkwa RiverSept. 1 to Oct. 31Sept. 1 to Oct. 31
14Zymoetz River downstream of Limonite CreekFridays, Saturdays and SundaysJuly 24 to May 31

Schedule B

Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 72/97, s. 13.]

Schedule C

[en. B.C. Reg. 26/2003; am. B.C. Regs. 92/2003; 33/2004, s. 3; 40/2005, s. 3; 263/2005, ss. 4 to 6; 12/2006, s. 8; 214/2008, s. 2; 178/2011, ss. 1 and 15; 74/2017, App. 1, s. 3; 79/2018, App. 1, s. 5.]

Column 1Column 2Column 3
(1)For an annual angling licence issued to a
(b)resident who is 65 years of age or older$4$1
(c)disabled resident who has an approved Application for an Angling Fee Reduction$1$0
(e)non-resident alien$56$24
(2)For an 8-day angling licence issued to a
(c)non-resident alien$35$15
(3)For a 1-day licence issued to a
(b)non-resident or non-resident alien$14$6
(4)For a conservation surcharge stamp for steelhead issued to a
(b)non-resident or non-resident alien$42$18
(5)For a conservation surcharge stamp for Kootenay Lake rainbow trout issued to a
(b)non-resident or non-resident alien$14$6
(6)For a conservation surcharge stamp for salmon issued to a
(b)non-resident or non-resident alien$21$9
(7)For a conservation surcharge stamp for Shuswap Lake rainbow trout issued to a
(b)non-resident or non-resident alien$14$6
(8)For a conservation surcharge stamp for Shuswap Lake char issued to a
(b)non-resident or non-resident alien$14$6
(9)For a classified waters angling licence issued to a
(b)subject to paragraph (d), non-resident or non-resident alien for each Class I water$28/
angler day
(c)non-resident or non-resident alien for each Class II water$14/day$6
(d)non-guided non-resident alien selected in the Dean River Draw, for Dean River B and Dean River C combined$28/day$12
(10)Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 74/2017, App. 1. s. 3.]
(11)Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 33/2004, s. 3.]
(12)For a white sturgeon conservation licence issued to a
(a)resident — annual$0$25
(b)non-resident or non-resident alien — annual$0$60
(c)resident — 8-day$0$15
(d)non-resident or non-resident alien — 8-day$0$30
(e)resident — 1-day$0$8
(f)non-resident or non-resident alien — 1-day$0$15

Schedule C.1

[en. B.C. Reg. 12/2006, s. 10.]

Angler Day Quota Held on or after April 1, 2007

Column 1Column 2Column 3
ItemWatersFee for each day of
angler day quota held
Conservation surcharge for each
day of angler day quota held
(1)For Class I coastal waters (anadromous) described in Schedule A of this regulation$16$15
(2)For Class II coastal waters (anadromous) described in Schedule A of this regulation$11$15
(3)For Class I inland waters (non-anadromous) described in Schedule A of this regulation$6$15
(4)For Class II inland waters (non-anadromous) described in Schedule A of this regulation$1$15

Schedule C.2

[en. B.C. Reg. 178/2011, s. 16.]

(section 13 (1.1))

Applicable Waters and Periods for Angling Guide Restrictions

Column 1Column 2
(includes unspecified tributaries)
1Kitsumkalum River upstream of the Kitsumkalum River canyon located approximately 10 km upstream of the confluence with the Skeena RiverApril 1Oct. 31
2Kitsumkalum River downstream of the Kitsumkalum River canyon located approximately 10 km upstream of the confluence with the Skeena RiverApril 1Oct. 31
3Zymoetz River upstream of Limonite CreekJuly 24Dec. 31
4Zymoetz River downstream of Limonite CreekJuly 24May 31

Schedule D

[en. B.C. Reg. 17/2015, s. 3; am. B.C. Reg. 163/2015, s. 5.]

Column 1Column 2Column 3
Item WatersManagement UnitReserved Dates
1Bainbridge Lake1-7April 1March 31
2Mayo Lake1-4April 1March 31
3Lonzo Creek and tributaries2-4April 1March 31
4Sardis Park Pond2-4April 1March 31
5Hamilton Lake3-12April 1Sept. 30
6Rose Lake3-20April 1Sept. 30
7Tulip Lake3-20April 1Sept. 30
8Paul Creek below Paul Lake3-27April 1March 31
9Isobel Lake3-28April 1Sept. 30
10Idlewild Lake4-3April 1March 31
11Norbury Creek4-22April 1March 31
12Coal Creek below the old M.F.&M. Railway bridge located about 7 km upstream of the confluence of Coal Creek and the Elk River4-23April 1March 31
13Dorothy Lake4-26April 1March 31
14Fisher Maiden Lake4-26April 1March 31
15Baker Creek below Pinnacles Provincial Park5-13April 1March 31
16Beaverley Creek7-10April 1March 31
17McMillan Creek7-15April 1March 31
18Mugaha Creek7-30April 1March 31
19Hall Road (Mission) Pond in Mission Creek Regional Park8-10May 1June 15
20That portion of the southern end of Shannon Lake, in the vicinity of Shannon Lake Regional Park, that extends
from the foreshore to a boundary marked by a net in the water and a sign posted on the shoreline at each end
8-11May 1June 15

[Provisions relevant to the enactment of this regulation: Wildlife Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 488, ss. 53 and 108.]