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B.C. Reg. 8/99
O.C. 35/99
Deposited January 15, 1999
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Wildlife Act

Hunting Licensing Regulation

[includes amendments up to B.C. Reg. 1/2019, January 2, 2019]

Part 1 — Licences
4.1Condition of a hunting licence — unexamined non-residents and non-resident aliens
5Other licences required
5.1Exemptions — hunting companion for disabled hunter permit holder
5.11Condition of hunting licence of hunting companion
5.12Exemptions — former section 5.1
5.2Exemptions — youth hunting licence
5.3Exemptions — initiation hunting licence
5.4Eligibility for species licence
5.41Eligibility for upland game bird licence
6Species licence not valid until 2 days after the date of issue
7Licence must be cancelled
7.1Condition of hunting licence — carry all species licences
8Issuing hunting licences to persons under 18 years of age
14.2Prescribed qualifications — supervising an underage hunter
14.3Prescribed qualifications — supervising an initiation hunter
14.4Maximum number of persons
14.5Condition of an initiation hunting licence
14.6Number of initiation hunting licences limited to one
15Number of licences limited to one
16Number of licences limited variously
17Number of licences limited to 15
18.1Lost licence
19Fee schedule
20Licence issuing prohibition
20.1Initiation hunting licence — bag limit
21Youth hunting licence — bag limit
21.1Hunting companion for disabled hunter — bag limit
23Exemptions — guided youth
23.1Waterfowler Heritage Days exemption
Part 2 — Fraser Valley Special Hunting Area
25Two licences required
27Insurance required
28No licence issued without insurance
Part 3 — Gulf Islands Special Hunting Area
30Two licences required
31Insurance or guide required and exemption
32No licence issued without insurance


1   (1) In this regulation:

"Act" means the Wildlife Act;

"hunting companion" means a person who is hunting for the limited purposes of assisting a person who holds a permit under section 2 (aa) or (bb) of the Permit Regulation;

"licence year" means the period commencing April 1 in a calendar year and ending March 31 of the following calendar year;

"Permit Regulation" means the Permit Regulation, B.C. Reg. 253/2000;

"supervising hunter" means a person who accompanies and provides close personal supervision of another person under section 11 (5), 17.1 or 17.2 of the Act;

"unexamined non-resident or non-resident alien" means a non-resident or non-resident alien who

(a) has not successfully completed the examinations referred to in section 17 (1) of the Act, and

(b) is not described in section 110.3 of the Act;

"youth hunting licence" means a hunting licence issued to a parent or guardian on behalf of a child or ward in accordance with section 17.1 (2) of the Act.

(2) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 166/2001, s. 2.]

[am. B.C. Regs. 435/2000, s. 1; 23/2001, s. 2; 84/2001, s. 1; 166/2001, s. 2; 38/2013, App. 1, s. 1; 266/2014, Sch. 3, s. 1; 78/2016, App. 1, s. 1; 127/2017, App. 4, s. 1 and App. 10, s. 1; 79/2018, App. 2, s. 1.]

Part 1 — Licences


2-4   Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 340/2005, s. 5.]

Condition of a hunting licence — unexamined non-residents and non-resident aliens

4.1   It is a condition of every hunting licence that the holder must not hunt wildlife unless accompanied by a person described in section 17 (2) (a), (b) or (c) of the Act if the holder was, at the time the licence was issued, an unexamined non-resident or non-resident alien.

[en. B.C. Reg. 127/2017, App. 10, s. 2; am. B.C. Reg. 79/2018, App. 2, s. 2.]

Other licences required

5   (1) For the purposes of section 11 (1) (c) of the Act, a person who hunts any of the following species must hold an uncancelled species licence for that species:

(a) bison;

(b) black bear;

(c) black-tailed deer;

(d) bobcat;

(e) caribou;

(f) cougar;

(g) elk;

(h) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 52/2018, Sch. 2, s. 1.]

(i) lynx;

(j) moose;

(k) mountain goat;

(l) mountain sheep;

(m) mule deer;

(n) white-tailed deer;

(o) wolverine.

(2) For the purposes of section 11 (1) (c) of the Act, a non-resident or non-resident alien who hunts wolf must hold an uncancelled species licence for wolf.

(3) For the purposes of section 11 (1) (c) of the Act, a non-resident or non-resident alien who hunts upland game birds must hold an upland game bird licence.

[en. B.C. Reg. 74/2017, App. 4, s. 1; am. B.C. Regs. 127/2017, App. 4, s. 3; 52/2018, Sch. 2, s. 1; 79/2018, App. 2, s. 2.]

Exemptions — hunting companion for disabled hunter permit holder

5.1   (1) Section 5 (1) does not apply to a hunting companion.

(2) Section 7 does not apply to a hunting companion who is assisting a person

(a) who holds a permit under section 2 (aa) of the Permit Regulation, if, after the hunting companion kills the big game and before the permit holder or hunting companion handles the big game killed, the permit holder cancels the appropriate species licence, or

(b) who holds a permit under section 2 (bb) of the Permit Regulation, if, after the hunting companion kills the big game and before the hunting companion handles the big game killed, the hunting companion cancels the appropriate species licence of the permit holder on behalf of the permit holder.

[en. B.C. Reg. 266/2014, Sch. 3, s. 2; am. B.C. Reg. 74/2017, App. 4, s. 2.]

Condition of hunting licence of hunting companion

5.11   It is a condition of the hunting licence of a hunting companion assisting a person who holds a permit under section 2 (bb) of the Permit Regulation that the hunting companion may be named for those purposes on the permit of only one permit holder each licence year.

[en. B.C. Reg. 266/2014, Sch. 3, s. 3.]

Exemptions — former section 5.1

5.12   (1) Section 5 (1) does not apply to a person if the person is hunting only for the limited purposes of assisting a disabled hunter who, immediately before April 1, 2015, held a permit under section 3 (1) (c) (i) or (2) of the Permit Regulation, to track, kill or retrieve a game animal wounded by the disabled hunter.

(2) Section 7 does not apply to a person exempted under subsection (1) if, after the person kills big game and before the disabled hunter or the person handles the big game killed, the disabled hunter cancels the appropriate species licence in accordance with the instructions on the licence.

(3) The exemptions in subsections (1) and (2) apply only while the permit referred to in subsection (1) is valid.

[en. B.C. Reg. 266/2014, Sch. 3, s. 3; am. B.C. Reg. 74/2017, App. 4, s. 3.]

Exemptions — youth hunting licence

5.2   (1) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 74/2017, App. 4, s. 4.]

(2) Section 5 (1) does not apply to a person in respect of a species if

(a) a youth hunting licence is held on the person's behalf, and

(b) the person is hunting with a supervising hunter who holds an uncancelled species licence for the species.

(2.1) Section 5 (2) does not apply to a person if

(a) a youth hunting licence is held on the person's behalf, and

(b) the person is hunting with a supervising hunter who

(i) is a resident, or

(ii) holds an uncancelled species licence for wolf.

(2.2) Section 5 (3) does not apply to a person if

(a) a youth hunting licence is held on the person's behalf, and

(b) the person is hunting with a supervising hunter who

(i) is a resident, or

(ii) holds an upland game bird licence.

(3) Section 7 does not apply to a person exempted under subsection (2) of this section, if, after the person kills big game and before any person handles the big game killed, the supervising hunter cancels the appropriate species licence in accordance with the instructions on the licence.

(3.1) Section 7 does not apply to a person exempted under subsection (2.1) of this section if

(a) the supervising hunter is a resident, or

(b) after the person kills a wolf and before any person handles the wolf killed, the supervising hunter cancels a species licence for wolf in accordance with the instructions on the licence.

[en. B.C. Reg. 38/2013, App. 1, s. 3; am. B.C. Regs. 74/2017, App. 4, ss. 3 and 4; 127/2017, App. 4, s. 4.]

Exemptions — initiation hunting licence

5.3   (1) Section 5 (1) does not apply to a person if the person holds an initiation hunting licence and the person is hunting with a supervising hunter who holds an uncancelled species licence for the species hunted.

(2) Section 7 does not apply to a person exempted under subsection (1) of this section, if, after the person kills big game and before any person handles the big game killed, the supervising hunter cancels the appropriate species licence in accordance with the instructions on the licence.

[en. B.C. Reg. 38/2013, App. 1, s. 3; am. B.C. Reg. 74/2017, App. 4, s. 3.]

Eligibility for species licence

5.4   (1) To be eligible for a species licence, a person must

(a) hold a hunting licence, other than an initiation hunting licence or a youth hunting licence, and

(b) if the person is a non-resident or non-resident alien, demonstrate that the person is to be accompanied by

(i) a guide outfitter,

(ii) an assistant guide issued a written authorization under section 48 (1.2) of the Act, or

(iii) another person who holds a permit issued under section 70 (1) (a) of the Act that authorizes the other person to accompany the person who is the non-resident or non-resident alien.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person described in section 11 (9) of the Act who intends to serve as a supervising hunter.

[en. B.C. Reg. 127/2017, App. 4, s. 5; am. B.C. Reg. 79/2018, App. 2, s. 2.]

Eligibility for upland game bird licence

5.41   (1) To be eligible for an upland game bird licence, a person must hold a hunting licence, other than a youth hunting licence.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person described in section 11 (9) of the Act who intends to serve as a supervising hunter for a person on whose behalf a youth hunting licence is held.

[en. B.C. Reg. 127/2017, App. 4, s. 5.]

Species licence not valid until 2 days after the date of issue

6   A species licence for bobcat, caribou, cougar, lynx, mountain goat, mountain sheep or wolverine is not valid until 2 days after the date of issue.

[en. B.C. Reg. 138/2002, s. (a); am. B.C. Reg. 52/2018, Sch. 2, s. 2.]

Licence must be cancelled

7   (1) If a person hunts and kills wildlife in respect of which the person is required to hold a species licence, the person commits an offence unless, immediately after killing the wildlife and before handling the wildlife killed, the person cancels the species licence in accordance with the instructions on that licence.

(2) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 84/2001, s. 2.]

[am. B.C. Regs. 84/2001, s. 2; 74/2017, App. 4, s. 5.]

Condition of hunting licence — carry all species licences

7.1   It is a condition of every hunting licence that the holder must not hunt wildlife unless the holder

(a) carries, while hunting, each species licence issued to the holder during the term of the holder's hunting licence, whether or not any species licence has been cancelled, and

(b) produces, on the request of an officer, all species licences referred to in paragraph (a).

[en. B.C. Reg. 57/2018, Sch. 1.]

Issuing hunting licences to persons under 18 years of age

8   A person commits an offence if the person issues a hunting licence to, or on behalf of, a person who is under 18 years of age contrary to section 17.1 (1) of the Act.

[en. B.C. Reg. 127/2017, App. 4, s. 6.]


9-13   Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 127/2017, App. 4, s. 7.]


14   Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 78/2016, App. 1, s. 5.]


14.1   Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 127/2017, App. 4, s. 7.]

Prescribed qualifications — supervising an underage hunter

14.2   For the purposes of sections 11 (5) (c) and 17.1 (1) (c), (3) (d) and (g) and (4) (e) of the Act, the following qualifications are prescribed:

(a)-(b) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 127/2017, App. 4, s. 8 (a).]

(b.1) the person has successfully completed the examinations referred to in section 17 (1) of the Act or is described in section 110.3 of the Act;

(c) the person must have held a hunting licence, other than an initiation hunting licence or a youth hunting licence, in British Columbia, or a licence to hunt in another jurisdiction, in not fewer than 3 of any of the licence years preceding the current licence year;

(d) if the person is described in section 11 (9) of the Act, paragraphs (b.1) and (c) do not apply and the person must have

(i) received training in hunting, and

(ii) previously hunted lawfully without supervision;

(e) the person must not be prohibited from carrying or possessing a firearm under section 24 of the Act or an enactment of Canada, a province or territory of Canada, the United States of America, a state of the United States of America or another jurisdiction.

[en. B.C. Reg. 38/2013, App. 1, s. 7; am. B.C. Reg. 127/2017, App. 4, s. 8.]

Prescribed qualifications — supervising an initiation hunter

14.3   (1) Subject to subsection (2), the following qualifications are prescribed for the purposes of section 17.2 (2) (b) and (3) (b) and (d) of the Act:

(a) the person must be a resident;

(b) the person must hold a hunting licence, other than an initiation hunting licence or a youth hunting licence;

(c) the person must have held a hunting licence, other than an initiation hunting licence or a youth hunting licence, in British Columbia, or a licence to hunt in another jurisdiction, in not fewer than 3 of any of the licence years preceding the current licence year;

(d) if the person is described in section 11 (9) of the Act, paragraphs (a) to (c) do not apply and the person must have

(i) received training in hunting, and

(ii) previously hunted lawfully without supervision;

(e) the person must not be prohibited from carrying or possessing a firearm under section 24 of the Act or an enactment of Canada or a province or territory of Canada, the United States of America, a state of the United States of America or another jurisdiction.

(2) If the person who holds an initiation hunting licence or a youth hunting licence referred to in section 17.2 (2) and (3) of the Act, while hunting wildlife, is accompanied by a guide outfitter, or an assistant guide issued a written authorization under section 48 (1.2) of the Act, who is guiding him or her, the following qualifications are prescribed for the purposes of section 17.2 (2) (b) and (3) (b) and (d) of the Act:

(a) the supervising hunter must be a resident;

(b) the supervising hunter must hold a hunting licence, other than an initiation hunting licence or a youth hunting licence, or be exempted from holding a hunting licence.

[en. B.C. Reg. 38/2013, App. 1, s. 7; am. B.C. Reg. 127/2017, App. 4, s. 9.]

Maximum number of persons

14.4   For the purposes of sections 11 (5), 17.1 and 17.2 of the Act, a supervising hunter commits an offence if the supervising hunter accompanies and supervises, at the same time, more than a total of 2 of any of the following persons:

(a) a person who holds an initiation hunting licence;

(b) a person on whose behalf a youth hunting licence is held;

(c) a person referred to in section 23.1 (1) of this regulation.

[en. B.C. Reg. 38/2013, App. 1, s. 7.]

Condition of an initiation hunting licence

14.5   It is a condition of every initiation hunting licence that the holder of the licence must do all of the following:

(a) before starting to hunt on each day of hunting,

(i) record in ink, on a form specified by the director, the name of the supervising hunter for that day, and

(ii) ensure that that supervising hunter has

(A) read the information set out on the form, and

(B) signed the form;

(b) carry the form while hunting and produce it to an officer on request.

[en. B.C. Reg. 127/2017, App. 4, s. 10.]

Number of initiation hunting licences limited to one

14.6   For the purposes of section 14 of the Act, a person must not obtain or hold more than one initiation hunting licence in his or her lifetime.

[en. B.C. Reg. 38/2013, App. 1, s. 7; am. B.C. Reg. 127/2017, App. 4, s. 11.]

Number of licences limited to one

15   For the purpose of section 14 of the Act, during a licence year, a person must not obtain or hold more than one of each of the following licences:

(a) a hunting licence, other than a hunting licence described in paragraph (a.1), (a.2) or (a.3);

(a.1) a youth hunting licence issued to the person in respect of a particular person under 18 years of age;

(a.2) an initiation hunting licence;

(a.3) a hunting licence issued to the person when he or she was an unexamined non-resident or non-resident alien;

(b) a bison species licence;

(c) a caribou species licence;

(d) an elk species licence;

(e) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 52/2018, Sch. 2, s. 1.]

(f) a lynx species licence;

(g) a moose species licence;

(h) a mountain goat species licence;

(i) a mountain sheep species licence;

(j) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 127/2017, App. 4, s. 12 (b).]

(k) a wolverine species licence;

(l) an upland game bird licence.

[en. B.C. Reg. 84/2001, s. 3; am. B.C. Regs. 65/2007, s. 2 (a); 167/2007, s. (a); 38/2013, App. 1, s. 8; 127/2017, App. 4, ss. 11 and 12 and App. 10, s. 3; 52/2018, Sch. 2, s. 1; 79/2018, App. 2, s. 2.]

Number of licences limited variously

16   (1) For the purpose of section 14 of the Act, the maximum number of licences of each kind that a person may obtain or hold, during each licence year, is as follows:

(a) 2 black bear species licences;

(b) 5 bobcat species licences;

(c) 2 cougar species licences;

(d) 3 mule deer species licences;

(e) 15 Haida Gwaii deer species licences;

(f) 10 wolf species licences;

(g) 3 white-tailed deer species licences.

(h) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 167/2007, s. (b).]

(2) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 138/2002, s. (b).]

[en. B.C. Reg. 84/2001, s. 4; am. B.C. Regs. 138/2002, s. (b); 267/2003, s. (a); 65/2007, s. 2 (b); 167/2007, s. (b); 74/2017, App. 4, s. 6; 127/2017, App. 4, ss. 11 and 13.]

Number of licences limited to 15

17   If a person, during a licence year, obtains or holds more than 15 of any combination of

(a) mule deer species licences,

(b) Haida Gwaii deer species licences, and

(c) white-tailed deer species licences

he or she commits an offence.

[en. B.C. Reg. 84/2001, s. 5; am. B.C. Regs. 267/2003, s. (b); 74/2017, App. 4, s. 6; 127/2017, App. 4, s. 14.]


18   Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 78/2016, App. 1, s. 5.]

Lost licence

18.1   A duplicate copy of a species licence may be issued if the holder of the licence

(a) completes a statement of loss in the form specified by the director, and

(b) pays the fee set out in the Schedule.

[en. B.C. Reg. 35/2004, s. 2; am. B.C. Reg. 127/2017, App. 4, s. 15 and App. 10, s. 4.]

Fee schedule

19   The fees and habitat conservation trust fund surcharges payable for a licence set out in the Schedule are those set out opposite the licence in the Schedule.

[am. B.C. Regs. 340/2005, s. 6; 74/2017, App. 4, s. 7.]

Licence issuing prohibition

20   A person who issues himself or herself a licence listed in the Schedule commits an offence.

Initiation hunting licence — bag limit

20.1   Any wildlife taken or killed by a person who holds an initiation hunting licence is included in the bag limit of the supervising hunter.

[en. B.C. Reg. 38/2013, App. 1, s. 9.]

Youth hunting licence — bag limit

21   Any wildlife taken or killed by a person on whose behalf a youth hunting licence is held is included in the bag limit of the supervising hunter.

[en. B.C. Reg. 38/2013, App. 1, s. 10.]

Hunting companion for disabled hunter — bag limit

21.1   (1) Any wildlife taken or killed by a person referred to in section 5.1 on behalf of a person who holds a permit referred to in that section is included in the bag limit of the permit holder.

(2) Any wildlife taken or killed by a person referred to in section 5.12 on behalf of a person who holds a permit referred to in that section is included in the bag limit of the permit holder.

[en. B.C. Reg. 266/2014, Sch. 1; am. B.C. Reg. 266/2014, Sch. 3, s. 4.]


22   Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 38/2013, App. 1, s. 10.]

Exemptions — guided youth

23   (1) If a person under the age of 18 years, while hunting wildlife, is accompanied by a guide outfitter or assistant guide who is guiding him or her, section 11 (5) (c) of the Act does not apply.

(2) If a person on whose behalf a youth hunting licence is held, while hunting wildlife, is accompanied by a guide outfitter or assistant guide who is guiding him or her

(a) section 17.1 (1) (c), (3) (d) and (g) and (4) (e) of the Act does not apply to the supervising hunter,

(b) section 56 (1) of the Act does not apply to the guide outfitter or assistant guide in respect of the requirement under that section that the hunter hold a hunting licence, and

(c) section 21 of this regulation does not apply to any small game taken or killed by the person and the person may kill and possess small game as if he or she held a hunting licence.

[en. B.C. Reg. 38/2013, App. 1, s. 10; am. B.C. Regs. 52/2018, Sch. 2, s. 3; 159/2018, Sch. 1.]

Waterfowler Heritage Days exemption

23.1   (1) A person who is at least 10 years of age and less than 18 years of age and who is ordinarily resident in Canada is exempt from section 11 (1) of the Act while hunting for ducks and geese during designated Waterfowler Heritage Days, as described in the Hunting Regulation, B.C. Reg. 190/84.

(2) Any ducks or geese killed by the person referred to in subsection (1) are included in the bag limit of the supervising hunter.

(3) The person referred to in subsection (1) is not exempt from section 11 (1) of the Act unless a parent or guardian of the person has, in respect of the hunt referred to in subsection (1) of this section, signed a written undertaking, in the form specified by the director, that the parent or guardian will not allow the person to hunt or carry a firearm unless the person is accompanied by and under the close personal supervision of another person who meets the requirements set out under section 11 (5) (a), (b) and (c) of the Act.

(4) The person referred to in subsection (1) is not exempt from section 11 (1) of the Act if he or she is ineligible to obtain or renew a licence or is prohibited from hunting under section 24 (2), (5) and (12) of the Act.

[en. B.C. Reg. 172/2001, s. (a); am. B.C. Regs. 340/2005, s. 7; 159/2008, s. 1; 38/2013, App. 1, s. 11; 127/2017, App. 4, s. 16.]

Part 2 — Fraser Valley Special Hunting Area


24   In this Part:

"special area" means the Fraser Valley special hunting area comprised of MU 2-4 and those areas within MU 2-8 that are within the corporate limits of The Corporation of The District of Maple Ridge, The Corporation of The District of Pitt Meadows, The District of Mission, and The Corporation of the City of Coquitlam.

Two licences required

25   For the purposes of section 11 (1) (c) of the Act, a person who hunts wildlife in the special area must hold a Fraser Valley special area licence.

[en. B.C. Reg. 74/2017, App. 4, s. 8.]


26   Section 25 does not apply

(a) if the person hunts wildlife on property owned by a commercial game club which holds a permit for that purpose under the Act, or

(b) to a person under the age of 18 years.

[am. B.C. Regs. 159/2008, s. 1; 74/2017, App. 4, s. 9.]

Insurance required

27   A person other than to whom section 26 applies commits an offence if he or she hunts wildlife in the special area unless the person is the holder of public liability and property damage insurance in the amount of $1 000 000 or more, sold by a licensed insurer in the Province, that covers the hunter while hunting in the Province.

No licence issued without insurance

28   (1) An application for a Fraser Valley special area licence must include a declaration, in the form specified by the director, by the applicant that the applicant holds the insurance required by section 27.

(2) A person commits an offence if he or she issues a Fraser Valley special area licence to an applicant whose application does not conform to subsection (1).

[en. B.C. Reg. 127/2017, App. 4, s. 17.]

Part 3 — Gulf Islands Special Hunting Area


29   In this Part:

"special area" means the Gulf Islands special hunting area comprised of Denman and Hornby Islands and all islands within MU 1-1 except Vancouver Island.

[am. B.C. Reg. 167/2005.]

Two licences required

30   For the purposes of section 11 (1) (c) of the Act, a person who hunts wildlife in the special area must hold a Gulf Islands special area licence.

[en. B.C. Reg. 74/2017, App. 4, s. 11.]

Insurance or guide required and exemption

31   (1) A person commits an offence if he or she hunts wildlife in the special area unless the person

(a) is the holder of public liability and property damage insurance in the amount of $100 000 or more, sold by a licensed insurer in the Province, that covers the hunter while hunting in the Province, or

(b) is guided by a guide outfitter or assistant guide.

(2) Section 30 and subsection (1) do not apply to a person under the age of 18 years.

[am. B.C. Regs. 159/2008, s. 1; 74/2017, App. 4, s. 12; 1/2019, Sch. 2.]

No licence issued without insurance

32   (1) An application for a Gulf Islands special area licence must include a declaration, in the form specified by the director, by the applicant that the applicant

(a) holds the insurance required by section 31, or

(b) is to be accompanied, while hunting in the special area, by

(i) a guide outfitter, or

(ii) an assistant guide issued a written authorization under section 48 (1.2) of the Act.

(2) A person commits an offence if he or she issues a Gulf Islands special area licence to an applicant whose application does not conform to subsection (1).

[en. B.C. Reg. 127/2017, App. 4, s. 18.]


[en. B.C. Reg. 28/2003, s. (a); am. B.C. Regs. 86/2003; 28/2003, ss. (b) to (d); 35/2004, ss. 3 to 6; 140/2004; 39/2005; 340/2005, s. 8; 38/2013, App. 1, s. 12; 68/2016, s. (c); 78/2016, App. 1, s. 6; 74/2017, App. 4, s. 13; 127/2017, App. 4, s. 19 and App. 10, s. 5; 52/2018, Sch. 2, s. 4; 79/2018, App. 2, s. 3.]

1Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 340/2005, s. 8 (a).]
2For a hunting licence issued to
(a) a resident to hunt wildlife25.007.00
(b) a resident, who is 65 years of age or older, to hunt wildlife6.001.00
(c) a non-resident to hunt wildlife53.0022.00
(d) a non-resident alien to hunt wildlife126.0054.00
(e) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 127/2017, App. 4, s. 19 (b).]
(f) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 38/2013, App. 1, s. 12 (a).]
(g) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 127/2017, App. 4, s. 19 (b).]
2.1For an initiation hunting licence15.004.00
2.2For a youth hunting licence6.001.00
2.3For a Fraser Valley special area licence8.002.00
2.4For a Gulf Islands special area licence2.00
2.5For an upland game bird licence35.0015.00
3For a species licence issued to a resident to hunt
(a) black bear16.004.00
(b) caribou16.004.00
(c) cougar24.006.00
(d) mule deer, including black-tailed deer12.003.00
(e) elk20.005.00
(f) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 52/2018, Sch. 2, s. 4.]
(g) moose20.005.00
(h) mountain goat32.008.00
(i) mountain sheep48.0012.00
(j) white-tailed deer12.003.00
(k) Haida Gwaii deer8.002.00
(l) bobcat7.001.00
(m) bison56.0014.00
(n) lynx7.001.00
(o) wolverine7.001.00
4For a species licence issued to a non-resident or non-resident alien to hunt
(a) black bear126.0054.00
(b) caribou 161.0069.00
(c) cougar161.0069.00
(d) mule deer, including black-tailed deer88.0037.00
(e) elk175.0075.00
(f) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 52/2018, Sch. 2, s. 4.]
(g) moose 175.0075.00
(h) mountain goat245.00105.00
(i) mountain sheep434.00186.00
(j) wolf35.0015.00
(k) white-tailed deer88.0037.00
(l) Haida Gwaii deer18.007.00
(m) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 127/2017, App. 4, s. 19 (d).]
(n) bobcat28.0012.00
(o) bison490.00210.00
(p) lynx28.0012.00
(q) wolverine28.0012.00
5Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 78/2016, App. 1, s. 6.]
6For a duplicate copy of a species licence10.00

[Provisions relevant to the enactment of this regulation: Wildlife Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 488, s. 108]