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B.C. Reg. 69/81 O.C. 429/81 | Filed February 23, 1981 |
This archived regulation consolidation is current to December 31, 2019 and includes changes enacted and in force by that date. For the most current information, click here. |
[includes amendments up to B.C. Reg. 6/2015, January 19, 2015]
1 In this regulation:
"Act" means the Livestock Identification Act;
"brand inspection area" means an area defined in Schedule B for brand inspection purposes;
"cattle" means animals of the bovine species by whatever technical name known;
"certificate of inspection" means a completed certificate of inspection in a form approved by an organization;
"contributor" means a person who
(a) consigns livestock to a sale yard or slaughterhouse,
(b) sells or transports hides,
(c) slaughters livestock in a place other than a slaughterhouse within the meaning of the Livestock Licensing Regulation, B.C. Reg. 6/2015,
(d) presents livestock to an inspector for inspection, or
(e) transports livestock or causes livestock to be transported;
"feedlot" means a fenced area where livestock are confined solely for the purpose of growing or finishing by means other than grazing;
"Form 3" means a completed livestock manifest in a form approved by an organization;
"meat" means that originating from cattle only;
"operator" means a person licensed under
(a) the Livestock Licensing Regulation as a public livestock sales operator or a slaughterhouse operator, or
(b) the Meat Inspection Regulation, B.C. Reg. 349/2004, to operate a slaughter establishment;
"organization" means an organization designated under section 9.1 of the Act;
"prescribed area" means the portion of the Province east of the Cascade Mountains;
"sale yard" means an enclosed area, and its associated structures,
(a) at which livestock is offered for disposition to the public, and
(b) that is operated or maintained by a person licensed under the Livestock Licensing Regulation as a public livestock sales operator;
"slaughterhouse" means
(a) a slaughterhouse within the meaning of the Livestock Licensing Regulation, or
(b) a slaughter establishment within the meaning of the Meat Inspection Regulation;
"transport" means all methods of moving livestock, including driving or herding, but excludes moving by public ferries;
"vehicle" means a vehicle as defined in the Motor Vehicle Act.
[am. B.C. Regs. 227/84, s. 1; 511/95, s. 1; 285/97, s. 1; 228/2000, App. 2, s. 2; 333/2003, s. 1; 6/2015, Sch. 2, s. 1.]
4 (1) A register of brands must be maintained for brands registered under this regulation on the date immediately before the date an organization is first designated under section 9.1 of the Act.
(2) A brand not registered under this regulation on the date immediately before the date an organization is first designated under section 9.1 of the Act must not be entered in the register referred to in subsection (1).
(3) A brand registered under this regulation on the date immediately before the date an organization is first designated under section 9.1 of the Act must not be renewed or transferred in the register referred to in subsection (1).
(4) No notice of trust may be received by or entered in the register referred to in subsection (1).
[en. B.C. Reg. 285/97, s. 3.]
5 The register referred to in section 4 must be open for inspection during normal business hours and, on request and payment of any applicable fee or cost of copy and certification, a person may obtain a certified copy of any entry in the register.
[en. B.C. Reg. 285/97, s. 3.]
6 A registration in the register referred to in section 4 expires on the earlier of
(a) the coming into force of section 20 of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Statutes Amendment Act, 1997, or
(b) midnight on the last day of the 4th calendar year following the year of the registration or the latest renewal of the registration.
[en. B.C. Reg. 285/97, s. 3.]
Part 2 — Shipment and Inspection of Livestock
19 (1) No contributor shall send cattle from a place in a brand inspection area to another in the same brand inspection area unless he first gives to the person transporting the cattle 3 copies of a Form 3 for the cattle.
(2) No person shall transport cattle from a place in a brand inspection area to another in the same brand inspection area unless he carries with him the 3 copies of the Form 3 mentioned in subsection (1). This subsection applies to an owner transporting his own cattle.
(3) No contributor shall send cattle from a place out of the prescribed area to a sale yard or slaughterhouse situated out of the prescribed area unless he first gives to the person transporting the cattle 3 copies of a Form 3 for the cattle.
(4) No person shall transport cattle from a place out of the prescribed area to a sale yard or slaughterhouse situated out of the prescribed area unless he carries with him the 3 copies of the Form 3 mentioned in subsection (3). This subsection applies to an owner transporting his own cattle.
(5) Where cattle are owned by more than one contributor and included in a single shipment, the person transporting the cattle shall ensure that they are distinctively marked on the upper portion of the body, if they are not branded, by means of paint, working crayon or by some other means so as to be readily identifiable from the cattle in the shipment owned by another contributor.
[am. B.C. Regs. 227/84, s. 4; 6/2015, Sch. 2, s. 2.]
20 (1) A contributor must not send cattle from a place in a brand inspection area to a place outside it, other than cattle consigned to a sale yard or slaughterhouse in the prescribed area, unless
(a) the cattle have been inspected by an inspector at the place where they are first loaded for transporting or at the point specified by the inspector, and
(b) the inspector has issued a certificate of inspection to which a copy of Form 3 is attached.
(2) A person must not transport cattle from a place in a brand inspection area to a place outside it, other than cattle consigned to a sale yard or slaughterhouse in the prescribed area, unless the person carries a certificate of inspection issued by an inspector for the cattle and a copy of Form 3 completed by the contributor.
(2.1) Subsection (2) applies to an owner transporting the owner's own cattle.
(3) Where the cattle under subsections (1) and (2) are being consigned to a sale yard or slaughterhouse in the prescribed area, section 19 (1) and (2) applies.
(4) The seller of cattle in the prescribed area shall, within 24 hours of the transaction, notify the nearest inspector of the change in ownership and deliver or send to him a completed Form 3 showing the particulars when
(a) the cattle are sold at a place other than a sale yard or slaughterhouse, and
(b) the cattle will not be immediately inspected under the provisions of subsection (1) or (2).
(5) A contributor who, without change of ownership, transports cattle from a place in a brand inspection area to a place in another brand inspection area for the purposes of grazing, is exempt from the provisions of subsections (1) and (2), but before the cattle are removed from the brand inspection area, to which they were transported for grazing, to another brand inspection area, a certificate of inspection is required.
(6) An inspector may inspect cattle when not otherwise required by these regulations, but on doing so, he shall issue a certificate of inspection.
[am. B.C. Regs. 227/84, s. 5; 511/95, s. 2; 285/97, s. 5; 333/2003, s. 2; 6/2015, Sch. 2, s. 2.]
21 (1) If, within 72 hours of being sold from a sale yard located in the prescribed area, cattle are shipped to a destination either inside or outside British Columbia, a bill of sale issued by the operator of the sale yard is considered to be the required certificate of inspection.
(2) When not inconsistent with the requirements of another enactment, a person transporting cattle that are shipped under subsection (1) shall take the cattle directly to their destination without unloading them on the way.
(3) Cattle purchased at a sale yard that are transported under a bill of sale and unloaded at a holding area or unloaded at any other point within the prescribed area for any reason may, at the discretion of an inspector, on further shipment be subject to all the provisions of the Act and this regulation as though the cattle had not been previously inspected.
[am. B.C. Regs. 511/95, s. 3; 285/97, s. 6; 333/2003, s. 3; 6/2015, Sch. 2, s. 3.]
22 (1) No person shall ship or transport cattle into or through the prescribed area unless
(a) the cattle are inspected by an inspector prior to entering the prescribed area, or
(b) on entering the prescribed area, the cattle are forthwith presented for inspection to the inspector residing nearest to the point of entry.
(2) The inspector's certificate of inspection shall accompany the shipment of cattle.
(3) Cattle being transported into or out of a brand inspection area or the prescribed area and that are intended to be or have been exhibited at an agricultural exhibition without change in ownership shall be inspected.
(4) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 511/95, s. 4.]
[am. B.C. Regs. 227/84, s. 6; 511/95, s. 4; 285/97, s. 7; 228/2000, App. 2, s. 3.]
23 (1) Where cattle are transported to a sale yard or slaughterhouse in the prescribed area, the operator accepting the cattle for any purpose shall
(a) keep the shipment separate, request a brand inspection certificate, Form 3 or a bill of sale if the shipment is being received direct from another sale yard in the prescribed area, and call an inspector within 24 hours after delivery, and
(b) not release the cattle until the cattle are inspected or otherwise cleared by an inspector.
(2) The contributor who shipped the cattle to the sale yard or slaughterhouse is responsible for their maintenance until the inspector has issued his certificate of inspection or otherwise cleared them.
(3) The operator of a sale yard or slaughterhouse, in or out of the prescribed area, shall keep a record of all cattle movements into and out of the sale yard or slaughterhouse which record is to be made available to an inspector for his inspection on request. The record shall contain
(a) the name and address of the owner of the cattle,
(b) the name and address of the buyer of the cattle, if applicable,
(c) the number and a description of the cattle including any brands on the cattle, and
(d) the cancelled cheque or other document issued in payment for the cattle, if applicable.
(4) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 285/97, s. 8.]
(4.1) If livestock is delivered to a sale yard or slaughterhouse in the prescribed area and brand inspection is required, the operator must collect from the contributor the inspection fee for each head of livestock inspected and pay that fee to the inspector on request.
(4.2) The operator of a sale yard may retain a commission of 3% for the collection of inspection fees under subsection (4.1).
(4.3) The operator of a slaughterhouse may retain a commission of 5% for the collection of inspection fees under subsection (4.1).
(5) Subsection (1) shall apply to a feedlot in the prescribed area when accepting cattle originating from a place within the same brand inspection area in which the feedlot is located.
[am. B.C. Regs. 277/84, s. 7; 285/97, s. 8; 333/2003, s. 4; 6/2015, Sch. 2, ss. 2 to 4.]
24 (1) No operator of a sale yard or slaughterhouse that is situated out of the prescribed area shall accept any shipment of cattle from a contributor
(a) situated within the prescribed area unless the cattle are accompanied by a brand inspection certificate issued by an inspector, or a bill of sale issued by an operator of a sale yard located in the prescribed area within 72 hours of the sale;
(b) situated out of the prescribed area unless the shipment is accompanied by a Form 3.
(2) An operator of a sale yard that is out of the prescribed area may, with the approval of an inspector, substitute a book check in system for calves of a recognized dairy breed under the apparent age of 3 weeks in place of a Form 3. The record shall show the name and address of a contributor and the number, kind and colour of the calves being contributed for sale. The contributor shall sign the book to certify the correctness of the information.
(3) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 227/84, s. 8.]
[am. B.C. Regs. 227/84, s. 8; 6/2015, Sch. 2, ss. 2 and 3.]
25 Any person has the right to inspect cattle being driven, within the prescribed area, other than on the land of the owner, in order to check the brands and other markings on the cattle. The person driving the cattle shall assist in the inspection.
26 A person transporting cattle who finds that an animal has become mixed with his shall separate the cattle and return any that are not his to the owner of the cattle or to any reasonable place designated by the owner of the cattle. This shall be done at no expense to the owner of the cattle and within a mutually agreed time.
26.1 For cattle entering British Columbia, an inspector may accept a certificate of inspection or its equivalent issued by an out-of-province inspection service recognized by an organization, without re-inspection and without fee, provided that the livestock are as described in the certificate.
[en. B.C. Reg. 333/2003, s. 5.]
27 Every person who has in his control north of the 57th parallel a horse that is apparently over the age of 6 months and that is not branded in accordance with the Act or registered under the terms of the Animal Pedigree Act (Canada) shall, on gaining that control by purchase, hire, finding or otherwise, or, on a horse whom he has in control attaining the age of 6 months,
(a) brand the horse if he is entitled to do so by reason of ownership of it, or
(b) deliver the horse to the person entitled to brand the horse by reason of ownership of it, whereupon the person so entitled shall brand the horse.
[am. B.C. Reg. 6/2015, Sch. 2, s. 5.]
28 (1) An operator of a sale yard shall not take delivery of horses for sale unless they are accompanied by a Form 3.
(2) An operator of a sale yard in the prescribed area receiving horses for sale shall forthwith request an inspector to inspect them.
(3) No person shall remove horses from a sale yard within the prescribed area until an inspector has authorized their removal.
(4) The contributor who shipped the horses is responsible for their maintenance until the inspector has cleared them for sale.
(5) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 285/97, s. 9.]
(6) If horses are consigned to a sale yard or slaughterhouse and brand inspection is required, the operator must collect from the contributor the inspection fee for each head inspected and pay that fee to the inspector on request.
(7) The operator of a sale yard may retain a commission of 3% for the collection of inspection fees under subsection (6).
(8) The operator of a slaughterhouse may retain a commission of 5% for the collection of inspection fees under subsection (6).
[am. B.C. Regs. 227/84, s. 9; 285/97, s. 9; 333/2003, s. 6; 6/2015, Sch. 2, ss. 2 and 3.]
28.1 (1) No person shall send horses for delivery to a slaughterhouse or feedlot in or out of the Province unless the horses have been inspected by an inspector at the place where they are first loaded for transporting or at a place specified by the inspector and the inspector has issued his certificate of inspection to which a copy of the Form 3 must be attached.
(2) A person, including an owner transporting the owner's own horses, must not transport horses for delivery to a slaughterhouse or feedlot in British Columbia or to a licensed public sale or licensed slaughterhouse or feedlot in Alberta unless the owner carries a certificate of inspection issued by an inspector for the horses and a copy of the Form 3 completed by the contributor.
(3) If, within 72 hours of being sold from a sale yard located in the prescribed area, horses are shipped to a destination either inside or outside British Columbia, a bill of sale issued by the operator of the sale yard is considered to be the required certificate of inspection.
[en. B.C. Reg. 227/84, s. 10; am. B.C. Regs. 511/95, s. 5; 285/97, s. 10; 333/2003, s. 7; 6/2015, Sch. 2, ss. 3 and 6.]
28.2 For horses entering British Columbia, an inspector may accept a certificate of inspection or its equivalent issued by an out-of-province inspection service recognized by an organization, without re-inspection and without fee, provided that the livestock are as described in the certificate.
[en. B.C. Reg. 511/95, s. 6; am. B.C. Regs. 285/97, s. 11; 333/2003, s. 8.]
Part 3 — Hides and Hide Dealers
30 No contributor shall sell a livestock hide to anyone other than to a person licensed as a hide dealer under the Livestock Licensing Regulation unless it is for the personal use of the buyer.
[am. B.C. Reg. 6/2015, Sch. 2, s. 7.]
31 (1) This section does not apply to the purchase of a cattle or horse hide by a dealer in hides where the hide comes from a slaughterhouse.
(2) A contributor who sells or transfers ownership of a cattle or horse hide shall first deliver to the buyer or recipient a bill of sale for the hide.
(3) No person shall acquire a cattle or horse hide unless he first receives from the owner a bill of sale for the hide.
(4) A taxidermist or other person, except a person licensed as described in section 30, who receives hides for treating for personal or commercial use shall keep records of all hides he receives and of the names and addresses of the persons from whom the hides are received. These records shall be kept for at least 2 years. The operator shall allow an inspector to examine, during normal business hours, the records and hides in his possession.
[am. B.C. Reg. 6/2015, Sch. 2, s. 8.]
32 (1) No person shall remove an ear tag placed on the ear of cattle, otherwise mutilate the ears on a hide, or destroy or otherwise dispose of a hide of any livestock that is slaughtered at a place other than at a slaughterhouse.
(2) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 6/2015, Sch. 2, s. 9 (b).]
[am. B.C. Regs. 4/2010, s. 3; 6/2015, Sch. 2, s. 9.]
Part 3.1 — Slaughterhouses and Slaughterhouse Operators
33 Livestock, in sections 34 to 37, includes swine, sheep and goats.
[am. B.C. Reg. 228/2000, App. 2, s. 8.]
34 An owner of slaughtered livestock who sells the hide from that livestock must keep, for at least 6 months, a record
(a) signed by the purchaser, and
(i) a description of the hide, and
(ii) the purchaser's name and address.
[en. B.C. Reg. 6/2015, Sch. 2, s. 10.]
35 (1) An operator of a slaughterhouse located out of the prescribed area shall
(a) maintain a copy of all bills of sale for livestock purchased by him, and
(b) request a Form 3 from the contributor of livestock which have been received for sale on a rail grade basis or for custom slaughter.
(2) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 6/2015, Sch. 2, s. 11.]
(3) The Form 3 and bills of sale shall be made available to an inspector for his inspection on request during normal business hours.
[am. B.C. Regs. 114/92, s. 1; 6/2015, Sch. 2, s. 11.]
36 (1) A person must not accept or transport a shipment of 1/4 or more of a carcass for any reason unless the person receives or is in possession of Form 3 or a bill of sale for that carcass setting out the information required by Form 3.
(2) This section applies only to meat being transported within the prescribed area.
(3) If meat is transported from a slaughterhouse at which the animal was inspected before slaughter, the shipper of the meat must give to the carrier a copy of the invoice sent to the consignee with respect to the shipment.
[am. B.C. Regs. 227/84, s. 11; 511/95, s. 7; 6/2015, Sch. 2, s. 12.]
Part 4 — Detention and Seizure
39 (1) When an inspector takes into his possession apparently abandoned livestock under section 5 (1) (g) of the Act, he shall
(a) make all reasonable efforts to locate the owner of the livestock,
(b) if not successful, publish a description of the livestock in no less than one issue of a newspaper published in the Province and circulating in the area in which the livestock were abandoned, and
(c) if unclaimed within 10 days after publication of the last notice, sell the livestock at the nearest sale yard, or with the approval of the organization, by local public auction.
(2) The proceeds of the sale shall be applied to the expenses incurred in gathering, maintaining and selling the livestock. The remainder shall be forwarded to the organization which will hold the money for 6 months, and if a claim is not received under subsection (3) the money is to be paid into the consolidated revenue fund.
(3) A person who provides to an organization satisfactory evidence of ownership of the livestock sold under this regulation is entitled to the money from the sale less the expenses if a claim is made within 6 months of the sale.
[am. B.C. Regs. 355/83; 285/97, s. 12; 6/2015, Sch. 2, s. 14.]
40 (1) An inspector may cause any livestock to be detained at any place designated by him at the shipper's risk and expense for the purpose of
(b) establishing proof of ownership of the livestock.
(2) Where an inspector causes any livestock to be detained or the proceeds from the sale of any livestock to be held, he shall complete a notice in the form approved by an organization to the operator and the contributor fully describing the livestock and stating the reason why the livestock have been detained or the proceeds held. The original copy of the notices to the operator and to the contributor shall be delivered to the operator or the person in charge of the livestock.
(3) The operator or the person in charge of the livestock to whom the notices under subsection (2) have been given shall forward the contributor's notice to him, if applicable.
(4) An operator or the person in charge of the livestock, or any person on their behalf, shall not release the livestock or make settlement of the sale proceeds until a release in the form approved by an organization, signed by an inspector, has been obtained.
(5) An inspector in completing the release shall show the reason for the release of the livestock or the sale proceeds and he shall not issue a release unless he is satisfied ownership has been established by the contributor.
(6) Where a notice is issued under subsection (2) and after a period of 30 days an inspector is unable to determine ownership of the livestock, he shall
(a) with the organization's approval, issue a release instructing the operator to sell the livestock and to forward the proceeds to the organization, or
(b) issue a release instructing the operator to forward the amount held to the organization. The organization shall hold the money for 6 months and if not claimed within that period under subsection (7) the money is to be paid into the consolidated revenue fund.
(7) Any person who provides satisfactory evidence of ownership of the livestock sold under this regulation to the organization is entitled to the money from the sale less any expenses if a claim is made in writing within 6 months of the sale.
(8) An inspector shall immediately forward a report outlining the circumstances of the sale to the organization.
[am. B. C. Reg. 285/97, s. 13.]
41 (1) An inspector may at any time stop, and on producing identification as to his appointment search without warrant, any vehicle in which livestock, meat or hides are being or may be transported and inspect the livestock, meat or hides being transported.
(2) A person transporting livestock, meat or hides by vehicle whenever required by an inspector to do so, shall
(a) bring the vehicle to a full stop,
(b) permit the inspection of the vehicle and livestock, meat or hides by the inspector,
(c) truthfully answer all questions asked by the inspector concerning the livestock, meat or hides,
(d) produce to the inspector the Form 3, brand inspection certificate or bill of sale under which the livestock, meat or hides are being transported as may be required, and
(e) transport the livestock, meat or hides to the nearest point where reasonable unloading facilities are available and unload the livestock, meat or hides for inspection for which no compensation may be claimed.
[am. B.C. Reg. 511/95, s. 8.]
42 (1) Where an inspector finds any livestock, meat or hides that in his opinion are being kept, driven, removed or shipped contrary to the Act or this regulation or another enactment of the Province or of Canada or where he is not satisfied about the ownership, he may seize and remove the livestock, meat or hides, by force if necessary.
(2) If during the time the livestock, hides or meat so seized remain undisposed of in the possession of the inspector, any person who furnishes proof of his ownership thereof to the satisfaction of the inspector and pays in full the costs and expenses incurred by the inspector in the seizure, removal and retention, the inspector shall deliver up possession of the seized livestock, hides or meat to that person.
(3) Subject to subsection (2), the inspector may sell at his discretion the seized livestock, hides or meat after they have been in his possession 10 days and the approval of the organization is received. A report to the organization shall be made by the seizing inspector giving full details of the seizure and of the sale or other disposition made of the livestock, hides or meat seized.
(4) Seized meat may only be sold with the approval of the local Medical Health Officer or Public Health Inspector for the area concerned. Meat not approved for sale shall be disposed of as condemned meat unfit for human consumption at the discretion of the inspector.
(5) The proceeds from the seized livestock, hides or meat shall be remitted to the organization which shall deduct therefrom the costs and expenses incurred by the inspectors in the seizure, removal, detention and sale of the same. The organization shall retain the proceeds so remitted for a period of 6 months subject to a claim of any person who establishes to the satisfaction of the organization that he is entitled by reason of having been the owner or mortgagee of the livestock, hides or meat at the time of the seizure and sale. If the proceeds remain unclaimed at the end of 6 months they shall be paid into the consolidated revenue fund.
[am. B.C. Reg. 228/2000, App. 2, s. 10.]
43 (1) A person who sells livestock shall give the buyer a bill of sale in writing, signed by the vendor or his agent, giving the following particulars:
(a.1) the complete names and addresses of buyer and seller, or the seller's computer code generated by the sale yard;
(b) the number, kind, sex and colour of each animal sold;
(c) a full description of the seller's brand and its location on the animal. If the livestock has not been branded by the seller but does have a brand, the brand under which the seller purchased the livestock must be shown.
(2) On the request of the buyer, the seller shall execute and deliver a bill of sale registrable under the Personal Property Security Act which shall be prepared and registered at the buyer's expense.
[am. B.C. Regs. 511/95, s. 9; 333/2003, s. 9; 6/2015, Sch. 2, s. 3.]
46 (1) An operator of a sale yard or slaughterhouse and a livestock dealer must keep an accurate record of all livestock transactions to identify the movement of livestock through their facility or possession for ownership and health purposes.
(2) The record under subsection (1) must adequately describe the livestock concerned including brands, if any, and must be available for inspection by an inspector on request.
(3) All records required to be kept by this regulation must be maintained for a minimum of 2 years.
(4) In this section, "inspector" includes an inspector under the Animal Health Act.
[en. B.C. Reg. 228/2000, App. 2, s. 11; am. B.C. Reg. 6/2015, Sch. 2, ss. 2 and 15.]
47 A contributor who presents purchased livestock which are branded with a brand other than that registered in his name shall also present to the inspector satisfactory evidence of ownership for the livestock.
48 (1) The operator of every sale yard or slaughterhouse shall
(a) provide suitable buildings, alley, pens, chutes and gates as may be required for an inspector to carry out his duties under the Act and this regulation, and
(b) install and maintain sufficient artificial lights where inspections are carried out in buildings or when inspections are necessary other than during daylight hours.
(2) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 228/2000, App. 2, s. 12.]
[am. B.C. Regs. 228/2000, App. 2, s. 12; 6/2015, Sch. 2, s. 16.]
(a) impresses or causes or directs to be impressed or assists in the impressing of livestock with a brand or identification brand in a location other than that specified on the brand certificate or permit,
(b) and (c) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 285/97, s. 16.]
(d) buys, sells or offers livestock for inspection in any name other than in the name of the owner of the livestock,
(e) alters, obliterates or otherwise makes unreadable any part of a form prescribed by the Act or this regulation other than an inspector acting in the performance of his duty,
(f) delivers livestock to a person or place other than to the consignee,
(g) describes livestock or brands incorrectly on a Form 3 or inaccurately completes a Form 3, or
(h) contravenes section 19, 20, 21 (2), 22 (1), 23 (1) or (5), 24 (1), 25, 26, 27, 28 (1), (2) or (3), 28.1 (1) or (2), 30, 31 (2), (3) or (4), 34, 35 (1) or (3), 36 (1) or (3), 40 (4), 43 or 46
commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding $2 000.
(2) On the prosecution of a person for an offence under subsection (1) (a), proof of the fact that he was the owner or in possession of the livestock that was impressed with a brand that was not registered or an identification brand not authorized by permit, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, is evidence that he impressed or caused or directed or assisted in impressing that livestock with the brand or identification brand.
[am. B.C. Regs. 227/84, s. 12; 511/95, s. 11; 285/97, ss. 16 and 17; 228/2000, App. 2, s. 13; 6/2015, Sch. 2, s. 17.]
Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 511/95, s. 12.]
[en. B.C. Reg. 227/84. s. 13.]
Brand Inspection Areas
District | Boundaries | ||
1 | Peace River | The Regional District of Peace River-Liard | |
2 | Central-Interior | The Regional Districts of Fraser-Fort George, Bulkley-Nechako and that part of Kitimat-Stikine situated east of the Cascade Mountains | |
3 | Cariboo | That part of the Regional District of Cariboo situated east of the Cascade Mountains | |
4 | Kamloops-Okanagan | south boundary | United States-Canadian International boundary |
west boundary | Cascade Mountains | ||
north boundary | The southern boundaries of the Regional Districts of Cariboo and Fraser-Fort George | ||
east boundary | The western boundary of the Columbia River, Nelson-Creston and Rossland-Trail Electoral Districts | ||
5 | Kootenay | The Kootenay, Columbia River, Nelson-Creston and Rossland-Trail Electoral Districts |
NOTE: | 1 | The Regional District boundaries are as defined in their Letters Patent approved under section 777 (1) of the Local Government Act. |
2 | The Kootenay, Columbia River, Nelson-Creston and Rossland-Trail Electoral Districts are as established under the Constitution Act. |
Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 228/2000, App. 2, s. 14.]
Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 228/2000, App. 2, s. 15.]
[Provisions relevant to the enactment of this regulation: Livestock Identification Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 271, sections 5 and 10]
Copyright (c) Queen's Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada