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B.C. Reg. 262/84 Superintendent of Motor Vehicles1 | Deposited August 21, 1984 |
This archived regulation consolidation is current to December 31, 2021 and includes changes enacted and in force by that date. For the most current information, click here. |
[includes amendments up to B.C. Reg. 311/86]
Contents | ||
1 | Interpretation | |
2 | Devices, trailers and towing dollies | |
3 | Marking | |
3.1 | Hydraulic brake fluid | |
3.2 | Manufactured bunk and stake assemblies | |
4 | Repealed | |
Schedule |
1 (1) An expression used in this regulation and defined in B.C. Reg. 26/58 under the Motor Vehicle Act has the same meaning as in that regulation.
"device" means a ball-and-socket connecting device;
"maximum gross trailer weight" has the same meaning as in the Standard;
"Standard" means C.S.A. Standard D264-1976, made by the Canadian Standards Association, as amended from time to time.
2 (1) No person shall offer for sale, expose or display for sale or deliver to a purchaser for use
(a) a device or a trailer that is equipped with a device unless the device conforms to the Standard,
(b) a trailer other than a towing dolly equipped with a device unless the trailer conforms to the Standard, or
(c) a towing dolly equipped with a device unless the towing dolly conforms to those provisions of the Standard that are applicable to a trailer having a maximum gross trailer weight equal to the aggregate of
(i) the net weight of the towing dolly, and
(ii) the gross vehicle weight rating of the heaviest motor vehicle that the towing dolly is designed to tow.
(2) This section does not apply in respect of a trailer or a device designed for a trailer if the trailer has a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 4 545 kg.
3 No person shall offer for sale, expose or display for sale or deliver to a purchaser for use a towing dolly unless the gross vehicle weight rating of the heaviest motor vehicle that the towing dolly is designed to tow is permanently marked on the dolly.
3.1 No person shall offer for sale, expose or display for sale or deliver to a purchaser for use hydraulic brake fluid unless
(a) the brake fluid and its container conform to section 5.09 of B.C. Reg. 26/58, or
(b) the brake fluid conforms to the specifications for grade DOT 3, grade DOT 4 or grade DOT 5 brake fluid set out in section 116 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations, C.R.C. 1978, c. 1038, and its container is marked grade DOT 3, grade DOT 4 or grade DOT 5.
[en. B.C. Reg. 305/84, s. 1.]
3.2 (1) No person shall offer for sale, expose or display for sale or deliver to a purchaser for use a bunk and stake assembly unless
(a) the method of securing the stake to the bunk cross member of the bunk and stake assembly has been approved by a professional engineer, or
(b) the bunk and stake assembly conforms to illustration 1 of the Schedule and to the following specific requirements:
(i) the gusset plate shall be made of G40.21 - 44T steel plate, or better;
(ii) the gusset plate thickness shall not be less than 6.3 mm;
(iii) the gusset plate shall be an inverted "U", channel or a welded "L" section;
(iv) the gusset plate section shall have a horizontal leg length of not less than 45 cm welded to the bunk bed and a vertical leg length of not less than 30 cm welded to each side of the stake;
(v) the gusset plate shall have a minimum radius of 2.5 cm on all corners and be provided with smooth transitions between all changes in section;
(vi) the clear inside dimension of the inverted "U" or channel gusset shall overlap the stake by not less than 2.5 cm to facilitate the welded attachment of the gusset vertical leg to both sides of the stake. Attachment of the gusset to the inside face of the stake is not permitted;
(vii) the welds attaching the steel gusset to the bunk bed and stake shall be 6.3 mm min. fillet welds (leg sizes);
(viii) the weld deposit shall be made using dry E70XX or higher strength low hydrogen electrodes or, in the case of weld deposits on 100 ksi yield stakes, using E110XX electrodes;
(ix) the fillet welds shall be free of excessive reinforcement overlap, roughness of weld, undercut, cracks, craters left unfilled, lack of root and side wall fusion, slag inclusions along the fusion line surface and porosity;
(x) the continuous fillet weld on the vertical leg of the gusset shall terminate at the top with a 1.9 mm length wrap around horizontally (i.e. no fillet weld across the inner face of the stake). There shall be no weld across the inner face of the stake;
(xi) all faying surfaces between the bunk and stake at the hinge point shall be joined by fillet welds of not less than 9.5 mm (leg.), and shims may be used between the bunk ends and stakes to backup for excessive gaps by welding;
(xii) bunk and stake assemblies manufactured from high strength quench and tempered steels, such as G40.21-100Q, ASTM-A-54, T-1, or equivalent, shall be done under controlled conditions by welders qualified by the Ministry of Labour as follows:
(A) all weld areas shall be dry, free of deleterious materials such as mill scale, rust, oil, grease and dirt;
(B) all low hydrogen electrode coatings used shall be dry and not be exposed to the atmosphere for more than one hour after opening the electrode container;
(C) weld joints are to be preheated to approximately 70°F for 1/4" thick material. The heat soak is to be throughout the plate thickness and not surface temperature only;
(D) single pass fillets are to be deposited at fairly rapid arc travel speeds to ensure that the heat input for the weld is not too high;
(E) the fillet weld profile shall preferably be slightly concave, however, slight convexity is acceptable, providing the toes of the fillet have a smooth transition shape at the juncture to the base metal joined;
(F) all welds shall be tested for soundness by magnetic particle test methods and written certification obtained.
[en. B.C. Reg. 311/86, s. 1.]
[en. B.C. Reg. 311/86, s. 3.]
Illustration 1
1. | authority changed to the minister by 1997-31-29 |
[Provisions of the Motor Vehicle Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 318, relevant to the enactment of this regulation: section 218 (2)]
Copyright © Queen's Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada