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B.C. Reg. 334/91
O.C. 1573/91
Deposited December 20, 1991
effective April 1, 1992
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Motor Vehicle Act

Motor Vehicle Fees Regulation

[Last amended January 11, 2021 by B.C. Reg. 334/91 and includes amendments by B.C. Reg. 240/2020]


1   In this regulation, "Act" means the Motor Vehicle Act.

[en. B.C. Reg. 128/2014, s. (a).]


2   The fees set out in the Schedule are prescribed for the purposes of the Act.

[en. B.C. Reg. 128/2014, s. (a).]


3   Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 334/91, s. 3 (6).]


[am. B.C. Regs. 322/92; 349/92; 425/92; 141/93; 288/93; 160/94; 387/94; 196/95; 366/95; 456/95; 315/96; 366/96, s. 2; 33/97; 34/97; 35/97; 413/97, App. 2; 257/98, App. 2; 313/98; 47/99; 258/99; 379/99; 415/99; 273/2000; 369/2000; 270/2000; 402/2000; 19/2001; 305/2001; 5/2003; 134/2003; 454/2003, s. 2; 130/2004; 227/2004, s. (b); 447/2004, Sch. s. 8; 114/2005; 265/2006, s. 1; 327/2006, Sch. C, s. 6; 91/2007, s. 2; 134/2007; 351/2008; 147/2009, Sch. 3; 238/2010, s. 3; 4/2013, App. 4, s. 1; 260/2013; 128/2014, ss. (b) and (c); 1/2017, App. 1; 61/2017, Sch. s. 5.]

 (a)A registration fee for all vehicles registered under the Act, except as provided exemption in the Act, shall be payable at the time of initial registration. A registration fee shall also be charged for re-registration where the licence has been relinquished under section 20 of the Act18
 (b)Registration fee for trailers (as above)18
  An annual licence fee for private passenger motor vehicles including station wagons, except as provided in conditional licences, based on a net weight: 
  (i)not exceeding 250 kg46
  (ii)251 kg but not exceeding 700 kg46
  (iii)701 kg but not exceeding 1 000 kg46
  (iv)1 001 kg but not exceeding 1 400 kg53
  (v)1 401 kg but not exceeding 1 900 kg61
  (vi)1 901 kg but not exceeding 2 300 kg84
  (vii)2 301 kg but not exceeding 2 800 kg122
  (viii)exceeding 2 800 kg142
  An annual licence fee except as provided in conditional licences33
  An annual licence fee for a motor home, except as provided in conditional licences, based on a net weight: 
  (i)not exceeding 2 300 kg63
  (ii)2 301 kg but not exceeding 3 200 kg89
  (iii)exceeding 3 200 kg125
  An annual licence fee, except as provided in conditional licences, based on a gross vehicle weight: 
  (i)not exceeding 700 kg23
  (ii)701 kg but not exceeding 1 400 kg23
  (iii)1 401 kg but not exceeding 2 100 kg26
  (iv)2 101 kg but not exceeding 2 800 kg28
  (v)2 801 kg but not exceeding 3 400 kg30
  (vi)3 401 kg but not exceeding 4 100 kg37
  (vii)4 101 kg but not exceeding 4 800 kg44
  (viii)4 801 kg but not exceeding 5 500 kg47
  (ix)5 501 kg but not exceeding 6 200 kg50
  (x)6 201 kg but not exceeding 6 900 kg53
  (xi)6 901 kg but not exceeding 7 600 kg57
  (xii)7 601 kg but not exceeding 8 300 kg61
  (xiii)8 301 kg but not exceeding 9 000 kg68
  (xiv)9 001 kg but not exceeding 9 700 kg72
  (xv)9 701 kg but not exceeding 10 400 kg75
  (xvi)10 401 kg but not exceeding 11 100 kg78
  (xvii)11 101 kg but not exceeding 11 800 kg82
  (xviii)11 801 kg but not exceeding 12 500 kg87
  (xix)12 501 kg but not exceeding 13 200 kg91
  (xx)13 201 kg but not exceeding 13 900 kg95
  (xxi)13 901 kg but not exceeding 14 600 kg99
  (i)An annual licence fee for each motor vehicle, excluding motorcycles, owned or leased by 
   (A)a foreign state that has an office located in British Columbia, 
   (B)a consular post, as defined in the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, set out in Schedule II of the Foreign Missions and International Organizations Act (Canada), that has an office located in British Columbia, 
   (C)an international organization that has been provided with privileges and immunities under section 5 of the Foreign Missions and International Organizations Act (Canada) and has an office located in British Columbia, 
   (D)an office of a political subdivision of a foreign state that has been granted privileges and immunities under section 6 of the Foreign Missions and International Organizations Act (Canada) and is located in British Columbia, or 
   (E)a foreign representative or the spouse or a dependent of a foreign representative if 
    (I)the foreign representative, spouse or dependent is resident in British Columbia and is not a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, as defined in the Immigrant and Refugee Protection Act (Canada), and 
    (II)in relation to an office referred to in clauses (A) to (D), the foreign representative, spouse or dependent has been granted privileges, immunities or benefits under the Foreign Missions and International Organizations Act (Canada) that have not been withdrawn12
  (ii)An annual licence fee for each motor vehicle, trailer or motorcycle, owned or leased exclusively by a municipality, regional district or school district as defined by the School Act or by an organization comprised solely of municipalities, regional districts, regional libraries or school districts12
  (iii)An annual licence fee for each motor vehicle or trailer, but excluding motorcycles, used exclusively for fire protection purposes12
  (iv)An annual licence fee for each motor vehicle, trailer or motorcycle owned by Canada12
  (v)An annual licence fee for each motor vehicle or trailer, excluding motorcycles, owned or leased and operated exclusively by a charitable organization in carrying out its work12
  (vi)An annual licence fee for each motor vehicle or trailer, excluding motorcycles, owned by joint international commissions, or by government of another province or state or its agencies12
  (vii)An annual licence fee for each motor vehicle or trailer owned by a volunteer rescue group and used exclusively for search and rescue programs12
  The licence fee for each antique motor vehicle or motorcycle35
  The licence fee for each collector motor vehicle or motorcycle35
  The licence fee for each vehicle, unless a lower fee is provided for under item 2 (e)23
  (i)Annual licence fee, which shall entitle the holder of the licence to one distinctive number plate125
  (ii)For each additional distinctive number plate issued with the licence, a fee of125
  (iii)For each substitution of a transporter number plate issued with the licence, a fee of75
  (i)For an annual demonstration licence respecting motor vehicles and trailers generally, a fee of125
  (ii)The payment of the fee entitles the holder of the licence to the use of one number plate and to operate one motor vehicle or trailer at one time. 
  (iii)For an annual demonstration licence respecting motorcycles and/or trailers only, a fee of125
  (iv)The payment of the fee entitles the holder of the licence to the use of one number plate and to operate one motorcycle or trailer at one time. 
  (v)For each substitution of a demonstration number plate issued with the licence, a fee of75
  (i)Annual licence fee, which shall entitle the holder of the licence to one distinctive number plate125
  (ii)For each additional distinctive number plate issued with the licence, a fee of125
  (iii)For each substitution of a manufacturer's number plate issued with the licence, a fee of75
  (i)Annual licence fee, which shall entitle the holder of the licence to one distinctive number plate125
  (ii)For each additional distinctive number plate issued with the licence, a fee of125
  (iii)For each substitution of a repairman's number plate issued with the licence, a fee of75
  The fee for a driver's licence is as follows: 
  (i)For a driver's licence issued for more than 4 years75
  (ii)For a driver's licence issued for 4 years or less, other than a learner's licence31
  (iii)For a driver's licence issued for a person 65 years of age or older, other than a learner's licence17
  (iv)For a duplicate of a driver's licence, other than a learner's licence17
  (v)For a learner's licence (photo)10
  (vi)For a duplicate learner's licence (photo)10
  (i)For a driver's licence referred to in item 4 (a) (i), (ii), (iii) or (v) with indication of Canadian citizenship an additional 35
  (ii)For a driver's licence referred to in item 4 (a) (iv) or (vi) with indication of Canadian citizenshipan additional 10
  (iii)For an upgrade from a driver's licence to a driver's licence with indication of Canadian citizenship outside the renewal cycle, other than a learner's licence52
  (iv)For an upgrade from a learner's licence to a learner's licence with indication of Canadian citizenship outside the renewal cycle45
  (i)For all knowledge tests or retests taken at one time, or each test or retest taken separately15
  (ii)Subject to subparagraph (vii), for each road test, or retest requiring an individual to demonstrate his or her ability to drive and operate a motor vehicle 
   (A)for driver's licence class 7 or 835
   (B)for driver's licence class 5 or 650
   (C)for driver's licence class 440
   (D)for driver's licence class 2 or 350
   (E)for driver's licence class 160
  (iii)Subject to subparagraph (viii), for each practical air brake test or retest, if conducted separately from a road test20
  (iv)Subject to subparagraph (ix), for each practical pre-trip test or retest, if conducted separately from a road test or practical air brake test or retest20
  (v)Subject to subparagraph (x), any test or retest for a person 65 years of age or olderfree
  (vi)Subject to subparagraph (xi), any test or retest for a person directed by the superintendent to take that testfree
  (vii)For each road test or retest requiring an individual to demonstrate his or her ability to drive and operate a motor vehicle, if the person being tested has failed to attend a road test or retest, practical pre-trip test or retest or practical air brake test or retest scheduled during the previous 3 years without 
   (A)providing 48 hours' notice of cancellation to the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, or 
   (B)providing the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia with a reason that is satisfactory to it for the failure to attend 
    (I)for driver's licence class 7 or 835
plus 25 for each missed test
    (II)for driver's licence class 5 or 650
plus 25 for each missed test
    (III)for driver's licence class 440
plus 25 for each missed test
    (IV)for driver's licence class 2 or 350
plus 25 for each missed test
    (V)for driver's licence class 160
plus 25 for each missed test
  (viii)For each practical air brake test or retest conducted separately from a road test, if the person being tested has failed to attend a practical air brake test or retest, practical pre-trip test or retest or road test or retest scheduled during the previous 3 years without 
   (A)providing 48 hours' notice of cancellation to the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, or 
   (B)providing the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia with a reason that is satisfactory to it for the failure to attend20
plus 25 for each missed test
  (ix)For each practical pre-trip test or retest, conducted separately from a road test or practical air brake test or retest, if the person being tested failed to attend a practical pre-trip test or retest, practical air brake test or retest, or road test or retest scheduled during the previous 3 years without 
   (A)providing 48 hours' notice of cancellation to the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, or 
   (B)providing the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia with a reason that is satisfactory to it for the failure to attend20
plus 25 for each missed test
  (x)For each road test or retest, practical air brake test or retest conducted separately from a road test, or practical pre-trip test or retest conducted separately from a road test or practical air brake test or retest respecting a person 65 years of age or older, if the person being tested has failed to attend a road test or retest, practical pre-trip test or retest, or practical air brake test or retest scheduled during the previous 3 years without 
   (A)providing 48 hours' notice of cancellation to the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, or 
   (B)providing the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia with a reason that is satisfactory to it for the failure to attend, a fee of25 for each missed test
  (xi)For each road test or retest, practical air brake test or retest conducted separately from a road test, or practical pre-trip test or retest conducted separately from a road test or practical air brake test or retest, for a person directed by the superintendent to take that test, if the person being tested has failed to attend a road test or retest, practical pre-trip test or retest, or practical air brake test or retest scheduled during the previous 3 years without 
   (A)providing 48 hours' notice of cancellation to the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, or 
   (B)providing the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia with a reason that is satisfactory to it for the failure to attend, a fee of25 for each missed test
  (xii)Nothing in item 4 (b) (vii) to (xi) means that a person must pay for any one missed test more than once 
  The fee for processing medical examinations on issuance of a driver's licence, if the driver's licence is not or will not be used exclusively by the driver for unpaid, volunteer purposes, is as follows: 
  (i)for Driver's Licence Class 1, 2, 3, or 428
  (ii)for a duplicate driver's licence when the purpose of the duplicate is to upgrade a Driver's Licence Class 5 to a Driver's Licence Class 1, 2, 3, or 428
  (iii)for Driver's Licence Class 5 endorsed to permit the operation of single trucks with air brakes on industrial roads, truck trailers with air brakes on industrial roads, or truck trailers of any gross vehicle weight without air brakes28
  (iv)for a duplicate driver's licence when the purpose of the duplicate is to add an endorsement to permit the operation of single trucks with air brakes on industrial roads, truck trailers with air brakes on industrial roads, or truck trailers of any gross vehicle weight without air brakes28
  (i)For a number plate issued under the Act, excluding a personalized number plate, a BC Parks number plate and a number plate issued with a special licence, a fee of18
  (ii)Substitution of licence only under section 51 of the Act, a fee of18
  (iii)Substitution of number plates or decals under section 51 of the Act, excluding special licences, a fee of18
   (A)For transfer of title or licence under section 17 of the Act28
   (B)For transfer of a salvage vehicle under section 17.1 (3) of the Act28
   (C)For transfer of irreparable (dismantle only) vehicle under section 17.1 (3) of the Actfree
   (D)For filing a notice of vehicle status change (salvage) under section 17.1 (4) of the Actfree
  (v)For a duplicate of any permit issued under the Act, a fee of18
  (vi)For the filing of proof of financial responsibility under section 106 of the Act, a fee of30
  (vii)Notwithstanding subparagraph (i), for one number plate that may be used on 2 or more collector motor vehicles, a fee of75
  (viii)For a substitution of the plate referred to in subparagraph (vii), a fee of35
  (ix)Surcharge for a short term licence, a fee of10
  (x)For an Air Brake manual, a fee of5
  (xi)For a B.C. assigned vehicle identification number, a fee of25
  (xii)For a new driver manual ("Tuning Up"), a fee of5
  (xiii)Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 19/2001.] 
  (xiv)For a safety certificate, a non-refundable application fee of200
  (xv)For replacement of a lost, destroyed or wrongfully taken safety certificate, a replacement certificate fee of10
 Fees for searching the records maintained by the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia or the superintendent and for furnishing copies of records or documents in the custody of the corporation or the superintendent shall be as set out in paragraphs (a) and (b). 
 No fee shall be charged to a department, board or commission of the government of the Province, a municipality, regional district, or any police department, for searches or copies of records or documents to be used for a public purpose. No fee shall be charged to the South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority, or to a subsidiary or a billing organization, as those terms are defined in the South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Act, or to a concessionaire or a billing organization, as those terms are defined in the Transportation Investment Act, for searches or copies of records or documents they are respectively entitled to under the South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Act or the Transportation Investment Act. No fee shall be charged to the administrator as defined in the Unclaimed Property Act, or the authority as defined in the Motor Dealer Act, for electronic searches undertaken by the administrator or the authority in fulfilling their mandates under the Unclaimed Property Act or the Motor Dealer Act. 
 In the interests of traffic safety, the corporation or the superintendent may, for each copy of a driver's record or document obtained by an employer with the employee's consent, waive the fee. 
 The fee for a search referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) shall be multiplied by the number of names or vehicles which are searched. 
  (i)For a search for current ownership, name only5
  (ii)For a search for current ownership, name and address only7
  (iii)For a search for ownership as of a specific date, name and address only15
  (iv)For a search for ownership when performed through an electronic device authorized by an agreement between the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia and an individual, name only4
  (v)For a search for ownership when performed through an electronic device authorized by an agreement between the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia and an individual, name and address only6
  (vi)The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia may make arrangements with any person for allowing such person to receive lists of names of owners and descriptions of motor vehicle and trailer licences issued under the Act for the Province, and the fee for the particulars of the name of each owner and description shall be0.005 per search
plus extraordinary costs
  (vii)For each copy of a record or document10
  (viii)For each certified abstract or certified copy of a document15
  (ix)For a search for current ownership, when no record is found5
  (x)For a search of current ownership, name and address only, for vehicle safety recalls0.55
  (i)For a name search5
  (ii)For each copy of a record or document, whether certified or not5
 (a)Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 227/2004, s. (b).] 
 (b)The fee for a temporary operation permit under section 14.02 of B.C. Reg. 26/58 shall bethe greater of $4/day or 12
 (c)The fee for a temporary operation permit under section 14.03 of B.C. Reg. 26/58 shall be 8% of the annual licence fee for the vehicle to the nearest dollar. 
 (d)Subject to section 14.04 of B.C. Reg. 26/58, the minimum fee for any permit issued under this Act or regulation shall be10
 The fees for licences issued or renewed, or tests conducted pursuant to Division 27 of the Motor Vehicle Act Regulations are 
 (a)for each annual Driver Training School Licence100
 (b)for an additional or duplicate Driver Training School Licence15
 (c)for each Driver Training Instructor's Licence issued for 2 years30
 (d)for an additional or duplicate Driver Training Instructor's Licence15
 (e)for each driver training instructor knowledge test25
 (f)for each driver training instructor practical test60
 (a)The fee for each original or renewal personalized number plate and for the initial issuance of a personalized number plate100
 (b)The fee for each annual renewal of a personalized number plate40
 (c)The fee for each replacement of a personalized number plate18
10Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 238/2010, s. 3.]  
11VEHICLE INSPECTION FEES (Division 25 of the Motor Vehicle Act Regulations) 
 (a)for designation of an inspection facility other than a facility designated solely for inspecting motorcycles200
 (b)for renewal of a designation other than a facility designated solely for inspecting motorcycles100
 (b.1)for designation of a facility designated solely for the inspection of motorcycles50
 (b.2)for renewal of a designation of a facility designated solely for inspecting motorcycles25
 (c)for first conditional exemption under the provisions of the Preventative Maintenance Program150
 (d)for each exemption subsequent to the exemption referred to in paragraph (c)50
 (e)for Vehicle Inspection Manual (containing the standards of safety and repair prescribed by the minister under section 217 of the Motor Vehicle Act)25 each
 (f)for Inspection Certificate of Approval3 each
 (g)for Preventative Maintenance decal3 each
 (h)for 25 Interim Inspection Certificates4
 (i)for 25 Vehicle Condemned decals10
 (j)for 25 Commercial Vehicle Inspection Reports4
 (k)for Inspection Station Identificationlarge: 6 each
small: 2 each
 (l)for facility reinspection50
 (m)for the initial issuance of an authorized person identification cardno charge
 (n)for each two year renewal of an authorized person identification card20
 (o)for the initial issuance and annual renewal of a designated inspection facility identification plateno charge
 (p)for each replacement of an authorized person identification card for change of card information or for lost, stolen or damaged card20
 (q)for each replacement of a designated inspection facility identification plate for change of plate information or for lost, stolen or damaged plate20
 (a)For a new BC identification card a fee of35
 (b)For a renewal of a BC identification card a fee of15
 (c)For a BC identification card for a person 65 years of age or older a fee of15
 (d)For a duplicate of a BC identification card a fee of15
 (e)For a BC identification card issued to a person who is voluntarily surrendering a driver's licence, except if the licence is surrendered because the driver has failed to comply with requirements that relate to the cancellation of a driver's licence or that relate to an order of prohibitionno charge
 (f)For renewal of a BC identification card by a recipient of income assistance, youth allowance or disability allowance under the BC Benefits (Income Assistance) Act, BC Benefits (Youth Works) Act or Disability Benefits Program Actno charge
 (g)Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 147/2009, Sch. 3, s. 1 (b).]
 (a)For a BC identification card referred to in item 12 (a), (b), (c), (e) or (f) with indication of Canadian citizenshipan additional 35
 (b)For a BC identification card referred to in item 12 (d) with indication of Canadian citizenshipan additional 10
 (c)For an upgrade from a BC identification card to a BC identification card with indication of Canadian citizenship outside the renewal cycle50
 (d)For a BC identification card with indication of Canadian citizenship issued to a person who is voluntarily surrendering a driver's licence with indication of Canadian citizenship, except if the licence is surrendered because the driver has failed to comply with requirements that relate to the cancellation of a driver's licence or that relate to an order of prohibitionno charge
 (e)For a BC identification card with indication of Canadian citizenship issued to a person who is voluntarily surrendering a driver's licence, except if the licence is surrendered because the driver has failed to comply with requirements that relate to the cancellation of a driver's licence or that relate to an order of prohibition35
13Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 61/2017, Sch. s. 5.] 
 (a)Subject to item 5 (iii) and paragraph (b), the fee for each BC Parks number plate issued under the Act50
 (b)The fee for each BC Parks number plate issued under the Act as a substitute for a previously issued number plate, unless the previously issued number plate was a BC Parks number plate with the same background as the BC Parks number plate for which the BC Parks number plate is being substituted50
 (c)The fee for each annual renewal of a BC Parks number plate40

[Provisions relevant to the enactment of this regulation: Motor Vehicle Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 318, ss. 23, 25, 62 (1), 90.3, 210, 212 and 216 (1).]