B.C. Reg. 157/80
O.C. 926/80
Filed April 25, 1980
This archived regulation consolidation is current to August 5, 2005 and includes changes enacted and in force by that date. For the most current information, click here.

Plant Protection Act



  1  Interpretation
  2  Detention of grapevines
  3  Inspector's power to order destruction
  4  Power to destroy grapevines


1 In this regulation:

"grapevine" includes part of a grapevine, but does not include unattached grapes or an unattached bunch of grapes;

"inspector" means an inspector as defined in the Plant Protection Act;

"virus disease" means

(a) a virus disease, or

(b) a virus-like disease

that is destructive to grapevines.

Detention of grapevines

2 Where an inspector

(a) believes that grapevines in the Province originated in a place where virus diseases infesting or infecting grapevines are common, or

(b) finds or suspects grapevines in the Province to be infested or infected with a virus disease,

he may detain or order the detention of the grapevines or of the consignment, shipment, crop or other collection of grapevines of which they form part.

Inspector's power to order destruction

3 An inspector may order the owner of grapevines detained under section 2 or the person who had custody of them when they were detained to destroy any or all of the grapevines, either immediately or within a period stipulated by the inspector in the order.

Power to destroy grapevines

4 If a person who is, under section 3, ordered by an inspector to destroy any grapevines fails to comply with the order, then any person acting under the direction of the minister may destroy the grapevines.


[Provisions of the Plant Protection Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 365, relevant to the enactment of this regulation: section 8]

Copyright (c) 2005: Queen's Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada