B.C. Reg. 380/93
O.C. 1541/93
Deposited November 12, 1993
This archived regulation consolidation is current to August 5, 2005 and includes changes enacted and in force by that date. For the most current information, click here.

Community Charter; Local Government Act; Vancouver Charter


[includes amendments up to B.C. Reg. 365/2003]

  1  Oath of office
  2  Election financing disclosure
  3  Document identifying electors

Oath of office

1 (1) The following oath of office with the necessary changes in form, as applicable, is prescribed for the purposes of section 120 (3) of the Community Charter, section 210 (4) of the Local Government Act and section 140 (5) of the Vancouver Charter:

I, .....[name of person elected or appointed]....., do [swear] [solemnly affirm] that:

(2) As an example, the following is to be used as the oath of office made by way of solemn affirmation for a person elected as under the Vancouver Charter as a member of the Council of City of Vancouver:

I, .....[name of person elected or appointed]....., do solemnly affirm that:

[am. B.C. Reg. 365/2003.]

Election financing disclosure

2 The classes of election expenses for the purposes of section 90 (4) (f) of the Local Government Act and section 62 (4) (f) of the Vancouver Charter are

(a) election campaign advertising or communication expenses for

(i) radio, television, newspaper, magazine or electronic advertising for the public,

(ii) signs, pamphlets, flyers and brochures,

(iii) advertising and promotion for the public not described in subparagraph (i) or (ii), and

(iv) newsletters for members of the elector organization,

(b) election campaign office expenses for

(i) compensation paid to persons for work done relating to the election campaign other than for services described in section 89 (2) of the Local Government Act or section 61 (2) of the Vancouver Charter,

(ii) rent, insurance and utilities,

(iii) courier services and postage,

(iv) furniture, telecommunication equipment and other equipment, and

(v) office supplies and other office expenses not covered by subparagraphs (i) to (iv),

(c) convention and similar meeting expenses,

(d) expenses for campaign related functions not described by paragraph (c),

(e) research and polling expenses,

(f) campaign related transportation, and

(g) other.

[en. B.C. Reg. 310/99.]

Document identifying electors

3 The classes of documents that may be accepted as evidence for the purposes of section 57 or 57.1 of the Local Government Act, or for the purposes of sections 30 or 30.1 of the Vancouver Charter are

(a) a British Columbia Driver's Licence,

(b) a British Columbia Identification Card issued by the Motor Vehicle Branch,

(c) an Owner's Certificate of Insurance and Vehicle Licence issued by the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia,

(d) a British Columbia CareCard or British Columbia Gold CareCard,

(e) a Ministry of Social Development and Economic Security Request for Continued Assistance Form SDES8,

(f) a Social Insurance Card issued by Human Resources Development Canada,

(g) a Citizenship Card issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada,

(h) a real property tax notice issued under section 369 of the Local Government Act or section 21 of the Taxation (Rural Area) Act,

(i) a credit card or debit card issued by a savings institution as defined in section 29 of the Interpretation Act, or

(j) a utility bill issued for the supply of electricity, natural gas, water, telephone services or coaxial cable services by

(i) a public utility as defined in section 1 of the Utilities Commission Act,

(ii) a gas utility as defined in section 1 of the Gas Utility Act,

(iii) a water utility as defined in section 1 of the Water Act,

(iv) the British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority, or

(v) a corporation licensed by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission for the purposes of that supply.

[en. B.C. Reg. 309/99.]


[Provisions relevant to the enactment of this regulation: Community Charter, sections 123 and 282; Local Government Act, sections 156 (2) (e) and 210 (4); Vancouver Charter, sections 128 (2) (e) and 140 (5)]

Copyright (c) 2005: Queen's Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada