B.C. Reg. 425/2003
O.C. 1110/2003
Deposited November 28, 2003
effective January 1, 2004
This archived regulation consolidation is current to August 5, 2005 and includes changes enacted and in force by that date. For the most current information, click here.

Community Charter


  1  Bylaws excluded from municipal ticketing authority
  2  Maximum fine amount
  3  Bylaw enforcement officers
  4  Prescribed forms of tickets and their content
  5  Prescribed form of affidavit
Forms A to C

Bylaws excluded from municipal ticketing authority

1 Bylaws in relation to the following matters are prescribed for the purposes of section 264 (1) (a) [exclusions from ticketing authority] of the Community Charter:

(a) firearms;

(b) motor vehicle speed limits.

Maximum fine amount

2 The maximum amount of a fine under section 265 [penalties in relation to ticket offences] of the Community Charter is $1000.

Bylaw enforcement officers

3 Persons acting as any of the following are prescribed as classes of persons who may be designated as bylaw enforcement officers under section 264 (1) (b) of the Community Charter:

(a) special constables, officers, members or constables of

(i) the provincial police force as defined in section 1 of the Police Act, or

(ii) a municipal police force;

(b) members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police;

(c) local government corporate officers;

(d) bylaw enforcement officers under section 36 of the Police Act;

(e) local assistants to the fire commissioner under section 6 of the Fire Services Act;

(f) licensing inspectors, building inspectors, animal control officers or other persons acting in another capacity on behalf of a municipality, regional district or local trust committee for the purpose of enforcement of one or more of its bylaws.

Prescribed forms of tickets and their content

4 (1) A ticket issued under section 264 [ticket offences] of the Community Charter must be in Form A or Form B.

(2) The certificate of service and affidavit of no response to be printed on the reverse side of the ticket must be

(a) in Form A.1 with respect to a ticket in Form A, and

(b) in Form B.1 with respect to a ticket in Form B.

(3) The instructions to be printed on the reverse side of the copy of the ticket given to the person alleged to have contravened a bylaw must be

(a) in Form A.2 with respect to a ticket in Form A, and

(b) in Form B.2 with respect to a ticket in Form B.

(4) The notice of bylaw infraction must be in Form B.3.

(5) The instructions to be printed on the reverse side of the notice of bylaw infraction must be in Form B.4

Prescribed form of affidavit

5 An affidavit in support of an application to strike out a conviction and certificate of striking out of conviction must be in Form C.



Note: this regulation repeals B.C. Reg. 352/89.


[Provisions of the Community Charter, S.B.C. 2003, c. 26, relevant to the enactment of this regulation: section 273]

Copyright (c) 2005: Queen's Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada