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B.C. Reg. 92/59 |
This archived regulation consolidation is current to August 5, 2005 and includes changes enacted and in force by that date. For the most current information, click here. |
Plant Protection Act
1 This regulation may be cited as the "Bacterial Ring Rot Regulation".
2 In this regulation, unless the context otherwise requires:
"Act" means the Plant Protection Act;
"imported potatoes" means all potatoes grown outside the Province;
"importer" includes the person to whom potatoes grown outside the Province are consigned and any person who exercises acts of ownership over potatoes imported into the Province;
"inspector" means an inspector appointed under the Act;
"minister" means Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Province.
3 No person shall sell or have in his possession for sale within the Province any imported potatoes unless such potatoes have been inspected and released by an inspector as being apparently free from bacterial ring rot.
4 Any inspector may inspect any imported potatoes in transit or at point of destination.
5 Every importer of potatoes shall notify the inspector in charge of inspection in any area as to the time of arrival at point of destination of any imported potatoes and the place where inspection may be made.
6 Every importer shall, after having notified the inspector as to the arrival of potatoes at point of destination, make such potatoes accessible for inspection and shall so place them as to disclose their quality and condition.
7 Where potatoes are found which, in the opinion of the inspector, are infected with bacterial ring rot, the inspector shall place such potatoes under detention.
8 Any inspector detaining under section 7 any lot of potatoes may at any time and at any place attach thereto a numbered detention tag bearing the legend "Bacterial Ring Rot Regulation, under detention," and signed with the inspector's name. Thenceforth no person shall sell or offer for sale, move, allow or cause to be moved any such potatoes or remove such detention tag without the written authority of an inspector.
9 The inspector shall, as soon as possible after placing such detention tag on the potatoes, notify the importer and shall cause the said potatoes to be examined by a plant pathologist selected by the minister.
10 When the findings of the plant pathologist indicate that potatoes are infected with bacterial ring rot the inspector shall so advise the importer, and thereupon the importer shall cause such potatoes to be moved to a manufacturing plant or otherwise disposed of as the inspector may direct, and the inspector may give directions to the importer, dealer or ultimate consignee as to the treatment of the containers and equipment used in the handling and transporting of the potatoes.
11 Any person who fails to comply with any of the provisions of this regulation or who fails to comply with any direction of the inspector made pursuant to section 8 shall be guilty of an offence and liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding $250.
[Provisions of the Plant Protection Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 365, relevant to the enactment of this regulation: section 8]
Copyright (c) 2005: Queen's Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada