Copyright (c) Queen's Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | Licence Disclaimer |
B.C. Reg. 260/86 O.C. 2073/86 |
Deposited November 28, 1986 effective December 15, 1986 |
This archived regulation consolidation is current to April 21, 2006 and includes changes enacted and in force by that date. For the most current information, click here. |
Motion Picture Act
[includes amendments up to B.C. Reg. 296/2003]
1 (1) In this regulation, "Act" means the Motion Picture Act.
(2) In the Act and these regulations:
"explicit sexual scenes" means scenes in the motion picture that depict a sexual act, the occurrence of which is actually visible by the viewer;
"general release film" means a film that is not an adult film;
"joint holder" means a person who holds a video retail licence and an adult film retailer licence in respect of the distribution of adult films and general release films from a single premises;
"salesperson" means a person who distributes films on behalf of an adult film distributor;
"sexual act" means a real or simulated act of
(a) intercourse or masturbation,
(b) genital—genital, genital—anal, oral—genital or oral—anal connection between human beings, or
(c) genital connection between human beings and objects;
"sexually suggestive scenes" means scenes in a motion picture that depict
(a) sexual activity other than explicit sexual scenes, or
(b) a sexual act that is not actually visible to the viewer, but the scene and the context in which it appears are intended to suggest that a sexual act is or may be occurring.
[am. B.C. Regs. 117/88, s. 1; 316/95, s. 1.]
2 For the purpose of
(a) paragraph (c) of the definition of "adult motion picture" in the Act, and
(b) section 5 (3) (i) of the Act,
urination and defecation for sexual gratification are prescribed.
2.1 For the purposes of section 2 (6) of the Act, the exhibition of a motion picture for educational purposes by a university, college or other educational institution subject to the University Act, the College and Institute Act, the School Act or the Independent School Act are prescribed circumstances and purposes in respect of which section 2 does not apply.
[en. B.C. Reg. 296/2003, s. 1.]
3 On approving a motion picture submitted under section 2 (1) of the Act, the director must classify the motion picture into one of the following categories:
(a) General — Suitable for viewing by persons of all ages. Occasional violence, swearing and coarse language, and the most innocent of sexually suggestive scenes and nudity, are permitted in this category.
(b) Parental Guidance — Parental guidance advised. Theme or content may not be suitable for all children although there is no age restriction. Motion pictures in this category may contain less subtle sexually suggestive scenes and nudity and a more realistic portrayal of violence than in the General category; coarse language may occur more often than in the General category.
(c) 14A — Suitable for persons 14 years of age or older. Persons under 14 years of age must view these motion pictures accompanied by an adult. Motion pictures in this category may contain violence, coarse language or sexually suggestive scenes, or any combination of them.
(d) 18A — Persons under 18 years of age must view these motion pictures accompanied by an adult. Motion pictures in this category will contain horror, explicit violence, frequent coarse language or scenes that are more sexually suggestive than in the 14A category, or any combination of them.
(e) Restricted — Restricted to persons 18 years of age and over. Persons under 18 years of age are not permitted to attend under any circumstances. These motion pictures are "adult motion pictures", as defined in the Act, and may contain explicit sexual scenes, violence or scenes referred to in section 5 (3) of the Act, or any combination of them. The director will assign this classification to motion pictures if the director considers that the theme, subject matter or plot of the adult motion picture is artistic, historical, political, educational or scientific.
(f) Adult — Restricted to persons 18 years of age and over. Persons under 18 years of age are not permitted to attend under any circumstances. These motion pictures are "adult motion pictures", as defined in the Act, and may contain explicit sexual scenes or scenes of brutality or torture to persons or animals, or any combination of them, that are portrayed in a realistic and explicit manner; however, the scenes would, in the director's opinion, be tolerable to the community.
[en. B.C. Reg. 363/96, s. 1.]
4 (1) No advertisements for adult films shall be placed, posted or exhibited on the premises of an adult film retailer or the premises of a theatre holding a licence permitting the exhibition of films classified as "Restricted" or "Adult" such that they are visible to members of the public from outside of the premises of the adult film retailer or theatre.
(2) No advertisement, including adult film boxes, shall be placed, posted or exhibited on the premises of a joint holder such that they are visible to customers in that part of the premises that offers general release films for sale or rent.
(3) No person operating or employed in the premises of an adult film retailer shall exhibit, by any means, adult films on those premises such that the exhibition is visible to customers who are on the premises.
(4) Films classified as Restricted must be segregated from other categories of films on the premises of a joint holder.
(5) The shelving where the films referred to in subsection (4) are located must
(a) be visible from the cashier's counter, and
(b) have a sign above the shelving, displayed in a conspicuous manner, informing persons on the premises that such films are not to be rented or sold to persons under 18 years of age.
[am. B.C. Regs. 81/90, s. 1; 363/96, s. 2.]
5 (1) Every adult film retailer shall display in a conspicuous manner at all entrances to his premises, a sign reading "No admittance to persons under age 18".
(2) Every joint holder shall display in a conspicuous manner at the entrance to that part of his premises where adult films are offered for sale or rent, a sign reading "No admittance to persons under age 18".
(3) Subsection (2) does not apply to a joint holder who, as a condition of his licence under section 6 (4) (b) of the Act, is offering adult films for sale or rent in a manner where all advertising material as well as the adult films themselves are physically and visually segregated from minors in the manner permitted by those conditions of licence.
(4) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 117/88, s. 2.]
(5) An operator of a theatre shall not employ a minor at any time when a motion picture that has been classified as "Restricted" or "Adult" is being exhibited.
[am. B.C. Regs. 117/88, s. 2; 363/96, s. 3.]
6 Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 296/2003, s. 2.]
7 The fees payable for the matters in Column 1 of Schedule 1 are the amounts set out opposite in Column 2.
8 (1) The fees payable for the matters in Column 1 of Schedule 2 are the amounts set out opposite in Column 2 or Column 3.
(2) A person who wishes to obtain or renew a licence required under the Act shall accurately complete Form 1 and deliver it to the director.
(3) A licence referred to in Schedule 2 is valid for
(a) one year after its date of issue, or
(b) a period not exceeding 6 months after its date of issue if the director considers it to be in the public interest to issue an interim licence.
(3.1) The fee payable for a licence issued under subsection (3) (b) is one half of the fee prescribed in Schedule 2.
(4) A licence in respect of which a fee is paid under subsection (1), is not transferable, but a licence remains, with the consent of the director, valid when the licensee changes his location with respect to the new location.
(5) A licensee shall notify the director in writing of any change in the facts and information provided in Form 1 within 30 days after the change of fact or information.
(6) Where a licensee is a corporation, every licence issued to the corporation under the Act and these regulations is cancelled upon a transfer of the controlling interest in the corporation to another person.
(7) Where an adult film distributor, or a director, officer or shareholder of a corporation that is an adult film distributor contravenes the Act, these regulations or a decision of the director made under the Act or these regulations, or is convicted of an offence under the Act or these regulations, the director may require the adult film distributor to post and maintain a bond or other security under the Bonding Act as a condition of issuing or renewing a licence.
[am. B.C. Regs. 81/90, s. 3; 108/91, s. 1; 316/95, s. 3; 363/96, s. 4.]
8.1 (1) Subject to subsection (2), for the purposes of an application made under section 8 for an adult film distributor licence, adult film retailer licence, multipurpose distributor licence or restricted designated theatre licence, the Consent for Criminal Record Search in Form 3 must be completed and delivered to the director by the following persons:
(a) if the applicant is a proprietorship, the proprietor;
(b) if the applicant is a partnership, each partner;
(c) if the applicant is a corporation, every director and officer, and every shareholder who holds 25% or more of the shares of the corporation;
(d) every salesperson;
(e) the manager of the store or business.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person referred to in paragraphs (a) to (e)
(a) if that person was, before September 1, 1995, the holder of, or a salesperson or manager working under, a licence first issued before September 1, 1995, or
(b) if the Consent for Criminal Record Search has already been completed and delivered to the director in respect of that person.
[en. B.C. Reg. 316/95, s. 4.]
8.2 (1) Every adult film distributor must ensure that each salesperson who is employed by or who represents the adult film distributor has an identification card issued by the director.
(2) A salesperson must produce the identification card required by this section if requested to do so by the director, a person authorized by the director or a peace officer.
(3) If a salesperson who has been issued an identification card ceases to distribute films on behalf of an adult film distributor, the salesperson must promptly return the identification card to the director.
(4) An identification card issued under this section expires 3 years after its date of issue.
[en. B.C. Reg. 316/95, s. 4.]
9 (1) Every adult film distributor licensed under section 8 of the Act must maintain and keep at the adult film distributor's premises, for a period of 3 years from the date of issue, all records relating to the distribution of adult films including
(a) a copy of each invoice for every adult film distributed, and
(b) a copy of all banking records, shipping invoices, waybills and commission statements for salespersons.
(2) The director may, at any time, require the adult film distributor to produce or deliver to the director all records referred to in subsection (1).
(3) The invoice required by subsection (1) must indicate
(a) the title of each adult film,
(b) the number of copies of each adult film,
(c) the name of the adult film distributor,
(d) the name of the salesperson distributing the adult film,
(e) the name of the purchaser of the adult film, and
(f) the date of distribution of each adult film.
[en. B.C. Reg. 316/95, s. 5; am. B.C. Reg. 363/96, s. 5.]
10 (1) In this section, "decal" includes a certificate or other evidence of approval.
(2) Where, under section 5 (6) of the Act, the director approves an adult motion picture and that approval is evidenced by a decal, an adult film distributor, or an agent of the adult film distributor approved by the director, who purchases one or more decals for an approved adult film or copy shall, within the Province, affix the decal to the adult film or copy.
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (2), where an adult film distributor or an agent of the adult film distributor posts a bond or other security under the Bonding Act, the adult film distributor or agent may, in a jurisdiction outside of the Province and with the approval of the director, affix the decal to the adult film or copy.
(4) No person other than the director shall, without the approval of the director, within or without the Province, distribute a decal unless the decal is attached to an approved adult film or copy.
(5) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 316/95, s. 6 (b).]
[en. B.C. Reg. 81/90, s. 4; am. B.C. Regs. 108/91, s. 2; 316/95, s. 6; 363/96, s. 6.]
10.1 Every adult film distributor must submit to the director, by March 31 in each year, a report respecting the adult film distributor's books, records and accounts, prepared by an accountant in a form and manner approved by the director.
[en. B.C. Reg. 363/96, s. 7.]
11 The director or a person authorized by the director may enter the premises of an adult film distributor or the premises of an agent of the adult film distributor at any time during regular business hours for the purpose of
(a) inspecting the facilities where a decal, certificate or other evidence of approval is affixed to an adult film or copy, or
(b) making an accounting of each decal, certificate or other evidence of approval purchased by the adult film distributor for an approved adult film or copy.
[en. B.C. Reg. 81/90, s. 4.]
12 (1) A licensee, an applicant for a licence or an applicant for an exemption may request the director to reconsider a decision or order made under the Act or these regulations, or a seizure under section 12 (2) or (3) of the Act.
(2) A request under subsection (1) must
(a) be in writing and in a form acceptable to the director, and
(b) be delivered to the director within 30 days from the date of notification by the director of the decision or order or the seizure.
(3) The director may refuse to reconsider a decision, order or seizure if, in the opinion of the director, the request for reconsideration is frivolous, vexatious or made in bad faith.
(4) The director may extend the 30 day period in which to submit a request for reconsideration in subsection (2) (b) if, in the opinion of the director, extenuating circumstances prevented submission of the request within the 30 days.
(5) The fee for a reconsideration is $100 and must accompany the request for reconsideration.
(6) If a reconsideration has been commenced, the person who is requesting a reconsideration of a decision or order may apply to the director for an order that the decision or order not take effect until the outcome of the reconsideration.
(7) The director may make an order under subsection (6) if the director considers that special circumstances exist.
(8) For the purpose of reconsidering a decision, order or seizure the director may consider new information.
(9) After reconsidering a decision, order or seizure under the Act or these regulations the director may
(a) confirm the original decision, order or seizure,
(b) vary the original decision, order or seizure, including the effective date of the original decision or order,
(c) substitute a new decision or order for the original decision or order,
(d) overturn the original decision, order or seizure, or
(e) refer the original decision or order back to the original decision maker.
(10) The director—s reconsideration decision must
(a) be in writing, and
(b) include or be followed by reasons.
[en. B.C. Reg. 296/2003, s. 3.]
[en. B.C. Reg. 363/96, s. 8.]
(a) For review of a motion picture, other than an adult motion picture, on 35 mm film or larger and submitted under section 2 (1) of the Act. | $12.00 for the first 10 minutes plus $1.20 for each additional minute or part thereof for the first copy, and $6.00 for the first 10 minutes plus 60¢ for each additional minute or part thereof for each additional copy. |
(b) For review of a motion picture, other than an adult motion picture, on under 35 mm film and submitted under section 2 (1) of the Act. | $5.50 for the first 10 minutes plus 55¢ for each additional minute or part thereof for the first copy, and $2.75 for the first 10 minutes plus 28¢ for each additional minute or part thereof for each additional copy. |
(c) For review of an adult motion picture (Restricted or Adult) intended for exhibition to more than one person at a time and submitted under section 2 (1) of the Act. | $19 for the first 10 minutes plus $1.90 for each additional minute or part thereof, and $11.50 for the first 10 minutes plus $1.16 for each additional minute or part thereof for each additional copy. |
(d) For review of an adult motion picture intended for exhibition to only one person at a time and submitted under section 2 (1) of the Act. | $19 for the first 10 minutes plus $1.90 for each additional minute or part thereof for the first copy, and $11.00 for each additional copy. |
(e) For review of a motion picture submitted under section 2 (1) of the Act for a single performance in the Province. | $25 |
(f) For review of a motion picture intended for distribution to video retailers. | $40 |
(g) For review of an adult motion picture submitted under section 3 (1) of the Act. | $37 for the first 10 minutes plus $3.70 for each additional minute or part thereof. |
(h) For each decal, certificate or other evidence of approval for each copy of an adult motion picture that was approved under section 5 (6) of the Act. | $2 |
(i) For replacement of the certificate, licence or other evidence of approval for any type of film if the certificate or evidence has been lost or destroyed. | $10 |
(j) For each stand-in approval. | $10 |
(k) For review of each advertising trailer. | $10 |
(l) For amendment of any record of a film kept by the Film Classification Branch of the Ministry of Attorney General. | $25 for the first record change or amendment, and for each subsequent record change or amendment, $10.00 each. |
(m) For review of an adult motion picture in any electronic digital format including, without limitation, a CD ROM, floppy disk and laser disk, submitted under section 3 (1) of the Act. | $111 for the first one-half hour, plus $55.50 for each additional 15 minutes or part thereof of time spent by a classifier in reviewing the adult motion picture, to a maximum of $400.00. |
Schedule 2
[en. B.C. Reg. 286/93, App. s. 2; am. B.C. Reg. 363/96, s. 9]
COLUMN 1 | COLUMN 2 On or before licence expiry date |
COLUMN 3 After licence expiry date |
(a) For a motion picture distributor's licence with no limitation on the annual number of films submitted, per year. | $525 | $575 |
(b) For a motion picture distributor's licence restricted to the submission and distribution of the 6 title subjects, per year. | $160 | $200 |
(c) For a motion picture distributor's licence restricted to the submission and distribution of a single title subject, per year. | $25 | |
(d) For a motion picture distributor's licence with no limitation on the annual number of films submitted, but restricted to 16 mm films, per year. | $160 | $200 |
(e) For a motion picture distributor's licence restricted only to the distribution of pre-recorded video tapes, per year. | $160 | $200 |
(f) For an adult film distributor's licence, per year. | $525 | $575 |
(g) For an adult film retailer licence (includes a video retailer licence), per year. | $160 | $200 |
(h) For a video distributor's licence, per year. | $160 | $200 |
(i) For a video retailer licence, per year. | $58 | $80 |
(j) For a licence to operate a theatre, per year. | $58 | $80 |
(k) For a licence to operate a theatre that exhibits to more than one person at a time motion pictures that are classified as restricted designated, per year. | $160 | $200 |
(k.1) For a licence to operate a theatre that exhibits to only one person at a time motion pictures that are classified as restricted designated, per year. | $160 for the first licence and $26 for each additional licence at the same location | $200 for the first licence and $35 for each additional licence at the same location |
(l) For a multipurpose distributor licence for the purposes of paragraphs (a), (d), (e), (f) and (h) of Column 1 of this schedule, per year. | $575 | $625 |
[en. B.C. Reg. 363/96, s. 10]
Motion Picture Act
Application for a Licence
What is the purpose of this application?
New Application — Start Date: ...................................................................................................................
Change of Address — Licence Number: ......................................................................................................
Change of Business Name — Licence Number: ............................................................................................
Licence Renewal — Licence Number: ..........................................................................................................
Please type or print clearly. If approved, this licence is valid for one year only, and is not transferable.
Section A — All applicants must complete this section.
1 Name of store or business (this name will appear on the licence):
Street address (location) .............................................................................................................................................
City ......................................................................... Province .......................................................................
Postal code ...................... Business phone no. ............................. Business fax no. ...............................
2 Manager's name ...................................................................................................................................
Manager's phone no. .............................................. Manager's fax no. .............................................
3 Name of applicant .................................................................................................................................
Mailing address (all correspondence will be directed to this address):
City .......................................................................... Province ......................................................................
Postal code .................................. Phone no. .......................................... Fax no. .....................................
4 Indicate which type of business you wish to operate (3):
IG | video retailer (general release videos) | |
GA | adult film retailer (adult videos) | |
GB | joint holder (general release and adult video retailer) |
JG | Theatre (general) | |
KB | Theatre (adult and general) | |
KA | Theatre (18+ adult motion pictures) | |
KC | Multiplex Theatres (18+ restricted motion pictures) | |
K1 | Theatre (18+ — one person only —entire premises) | |
K2 | Theatre (18+ — one person only —additional booths) | |
SP | Single performance theatre |
HG | Video distributor (general release videos) | |
EG | Video distributor for exhibition | |
FA | Adult film distributor (adult motion pictures and adult videos) | |
AG | Motion picture distributor (unlimited number of titles) | |
DG | Motion picture distributor (unlimited number of 16 mm titles) | |
BG | Motion picture distributor (6 titles per licence year) | |
CG | Motion picture distributor (1 title per licence year) | |
LB | Multi-purpose distributor (any adult and general release motion pictures and videos) |
Vending Machines
VA | Adult only vending machine | |
VB | Adult and General Vending Machine |
5 Indicate type of motion picture distributed (3):
general release only
adult or restricted
adult and general release
6 Is this an application for a licence renewal? Yes
If yes, what is your licence number?......................................................................................................
If no, what date did you begin operation of your film/video business?...................................................
Section B — All applicants must complete this section
1 Indicate status of proposed licensee (3):
proprietorship (complete number 2) ![]()
partnership (complete number 3) ![]()
corporation (complete number 4) ![]()
franchisee/chain (complete number 5)
2 (a) If you are a PROPRIETORSHIP, indicate your name, address and phone number:
Legal name in full | Address | Phone no. |
(b) Authorized agent, if any (complete only if out of Province and applying for an adult film distributor's licence):
Legal name in full | Address | Phone no. |
3 (a) If you are a PARTNERSHIP, what is the name, address and phone number of each partner:
Legal name in full | Address | Phone no. |
(b) Authorized agent, if any (complete only if out of Province and applying for an adult film distributor's licence):
Legal name in full | Address | Phone no. |
4 (a) If you are a CORPORATION, give the following details:
(i) Name of corporation ................................................................................................................
(ii) Date of incorporation ...............................................................................................................
(iii) Is the corporation in good standing? ........................................................................................
(b) What is the name, address and phone number of each of the current directors:
Legal name in full | Address | Phone no. |
(c) What is the name, address and phone number of each officer of the company:
Legal name in full | Address | Phone no. |
(d) What is the name, address and phone number of each shareholder who holds 25% or more of the issued shares (indicate if holding the shares beneficially or in trust and for whom they are held):
Legal name in full | Address | Phone no. |
(e) Authorized agent, if any (complete only if out of Province and applying for an adult film distributor's licence):
Legal name in full | Address | Phone no. |
5 (a) If you are a FRANCHISEE or a member of a CHAIN, give the following details:
(i) Name of corporation .....................................................................................................................................
(ii) Date of incorporation .....................................................................................................................................
(iii) Is the corporation in good standing? .............................................................................................................
(b) What is the name, address and phone number of each of the current directors:
Legal name in full | Address | Phone no. |
(c) What is the name, address and phone number of each officer of the company:
Legal name in full | Address | Phone no. |
(d) Please provide the name, address and phone number of each shareholder who holds 25% or more of the issued shares (indicate if holding the shares beneficially or in trust and for whom they are held):
Legal name in full | Address | Phone no. |
(e) Authorized agent, if any (complete only if out of Province and applying for an adult film distributor's licence):
Legal name in full | Address | Phone no. |
6 Have you previously applied for or held an adult film retailer, adult film distributor, multi-purpose distributor or theatre (Restricted or Adult) licence in British Columbia as an individual, a member of a partnership or a director, officer or shareholder of a corporation?
(i) When ...................................................................... | |
(ii) Licence No. ............................................................ |
7 During the past ten (10) years, have you been convicted of an offence under the Motion Picture Act or the former Act, or had a licence suspended or revoked under the Motion Picture Act?
No If yes, explain and give your licence number.
Section C — Complete only if applying for an adult film distributor's licence or multi-purpose distributor's licence.
1 List all salespersons that are employed by or represent the applicant and include 2 passport style photographs of each salesperson who does not have a current identification card.
Name of salesperson | Address (include postal code) |
Identification number (if issued) |
2 Not applicable for Joint Holder Licence.
Enclosed are Consent for Criminal Record Search forms for the following:
salesperson(s) — existing and new
partners (all)
directors (all)
officers (all)
shareholders (who hold 25% or more of the shares)
franchisor/chain owner
Section D — Complete only if applying for an adult film retailer (including joint holder), theatre (Adult), adult film distributor, or multi-purpose distributor licence.
1 What is the zoning where the business is located? ...............................................................................
2 Are there any schools within 1km of the store or business?
No If yes, indicate the following for each school:
School name | School address |
Section E — Complete if applying to operate a joint holder business and intending to offer for sale/rent adult and family videos.
1 Describe how you intend to separate adult films from the general release section of the store:
Section F — All applicants must complete this section.
1 With this application, I enclose payment of $.......................... for a(n) ...... .........................licence.
(Make cheque or money order payable to the Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations.
For licence fees see Schedule 2 of the Motion Picture Act Regulations.)
2 I have read and completed this application. The statements of fact made by me and the information furnished in this application are true. I am aware that I am required to notify the Director in writing of any change in the facts and information provided in this application within 30 days after the change of fact or information.
3 The information on this form is collected under the authority of the Motion Picture Act (RSBC 1996, c. 314) and the Motion Picture Act Regulations. The information provided will be used to process your application for licence under the Motion Picture Act. If you have any questions about the collection and use of your personal information, contact the Document and Information Coordinator at 660-6821 or by fax at 660-1110.
Dated ..................................... (DD,MM,YY) at............................................
Signature(s) of applicant
(sole proprietor, all partners or signing officer of company)
Form 2
Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 296/2003, s. 4.]
Form 3
[en. B.C. Reg. 316/95, s. 10]
Consent for Criminal Record Search
Please type or print clearly.
Police Agency ......................................... File No. ..................................................
Full Name of Applicant ............................................................................................................................
(Last Name) | (Birth Last Name) | (Given Names) |
Birth Date ......./......../........ (YY/MM/DD) Birthplace.................................................
Postal Code ........................................................ Telephone ....................................................................
I have applied for a licence issued under the Motion Picture Act or am a salesperson employed by an adult film distributor or multipurpose distributor, and I am required by the Film Classification Office to disclose whether or not I have any convictions or have been charged under any Federal or Provincial enactment;
I understand that disclosure of a criminal record may not necessarily disqualify the application;
I understand that, if the Film Classification Office should decide that any conviction or charge disclosed might affect a licence application, I will be given an opportunity to see and discuss that criminal record;
I authorize the ............................................... (Police Agency), on behalf of the Film Classification Office, to inquire into and determine whether or not I have a criminal record, and make to the Film Classification Office a full and complete disclosure of any criminal record they may find.
........................................................................ Signature of applicant Date ......./......../........ (YY/MM/DD)
Authorization For Fingerprinting
If there is a requirement to verify that I do or do not have a criminal record, the police will require a copy of my fingerprints. Should they be required, I agree to voluntarily submit my fingerprints. I understand that the copy of my fingerprints will be returned to me after this check has been completed.
........................................................................ Signature of applicant Date ......./......../........ (YY/MM/DD)
Note To Police
The above-named applicant has consented to release information to the Film Classification Office. Please check the applicant's record and indicate the results on this form. Please forward the completed form to:
Police Use Only — Results of Record Search
A search of (check applicable category) | The Criminal Repository for Criminal Records for Canada: | ||
Index of ....................................................................... (Police Agency Conducting Check) |
In the above name and birth date shows: | No record. | ||
(please check applicable results) | | A record exists on local index, and a copy, certified by the applicant, is attached. | |
A Central Repository Record may exist, but cannot be disclosed unless verified by fingerprint comparison. Fingerprints have been obtained and submitted for verification. A copy of the Criminal Record will be forwarded to the Film Classification Office address above, upon receipt at this office. |
................................................... (Name and Signature) ..................(Badge No.) Date ...../....../...... (YY/MM/DD)
Form 4
Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 363/96, s. 11.]
[Provisions of the Motion Picture Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 314, relevant to the enactment of this regulation: section 14]
Copyright (c) Queen's Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada